Waffle Recipes, Waffle Makers PLR

Waffle Recipes, Waffle Makers PLR

Content about Waffles was just added to the Pot Luck PLR Club at Wordfeeder. How to make make them, waffle recipes, waffle makers, and more!

This is written content. It works well as a long form blog post. You could also turn it into a nice canva ebook make an opt in gift that attracts new subscribers to your list.

The written content can be purposed as videos too. You just grab a snippet from here or there and pair it with a picture, makes slides and then publish all the platforms.

I’ve included waffle makers from Amazon for you to make affiliate income. This bit is the part that drives the content in the first place. Why are we talking about waffles? Because people might order some cool waffle makers through us. See?

It’s fun and easy when the content’s already written, and you can edit it anyway you like.

Pot Luck PLR Club: Details

Potluck PLR club is for frugal cooking and family/homebloggers. These topics are very hot right now because of the economy and because the platforms are are paying.

Everyone wants to eat at home and save money, and find shortcuts and solutions to make their busy lives less stressful. So that is the type of content we provide.

Pot Luck PLR club is a cumulative membership. Each month I add one piece of content, occasionally two, to the member area. You have access to that new content plus all prior releases for the last year or so.

The content is periodically archived, more or less after year’s end we file away older content that has been sitting in the PLR club from two years ago.

At Wordfeeder I could offer a single download, but I know how easy it is to lose files.

I do it this way so that my content customers will have some time to download what they need and feel like they can log in to a library of content for at least some time.

See what else you get to dowload immediately with the Pot Luck PLR Club

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