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Done-for-You Ebook Content: Anti Aging Audience

Ebook Topic: How to Reverse Age in Mind, Body and Spirit

This content works for the following audiences:

Self Help

Life Coaching


Self Care


Who in your self-help audience might need this information?

One of your goals as a life coach or self-help mentor should be presenting fresh ideas in a unique and engaging way that captivates your audience of self help readers.

I have just the content to help you achieve your publishing goals.

This package of 15 PLR articles contains approximately 12K words and would work perfectly as an ebook or course.

Reverse-Aging in Body, Mind and Spirit PLR - 15 Articles or 12K words total (that's a BONUS GIFT of 5K extra words!)

Titles include:
1. What Might Reverse-Aging Look Like for You?
2. Youthful Vigor, Wonder, Curiosity and Delight at the Heart of Reverse-Aging
3. How Does Your Outlook Affect Activity Levels as You Age?
4. Why Would You Want to Seem Younger?
5. Young at Heart does NOT Mean Immature
6. You Can Still be Wise and Careful While Embracing a Youthful Outlook
7. What Exercises Help Your Body Stay Limber as You Age?
8. What Foods Can You Eat to Help You "Reverse Age?"
9. What is the Midlife Crisis Really About?
10. Activities to Keep Your Mind Active
11. What to Think About so You Can Stay Mentally Flexible
12. Want the Vigor of Youth? Get a Healthy Lifestyle
13. Want to Reverse-Age? Kick the Bad Habits that Are Aging You Prematurely
14. Yoga for Youthfulness, Inner Peace and Joy
15. 6 Healthy Practices to Increase Youthful Feelings and Appearance

Here's a screen shot of the writing:

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RULES: Edit, brand, copy, cut, paste, add to and change this any way you like. Do not publish originator's name. Do not resell as PLR. You may offer personal rights to your customers.


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NO paying a writer to create this from scratch for hundreds of dollars

NO more slaving away at the computer for weeks and weeks to create this on your own

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