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Yoga PLR to Make an Ebook or Email Course

Health Coach, Guide Your Readers to a Better Yoga Practice...

"Transform Your Yoga" PLR Course or Ebook Content - Done-for-You Health Coaching Content, Private Label Rights Product

Includes more than 9,200 words in an ebook-ready MS Word document, with images throughout the text! Be one of the first to customize and launch this course under your brand name.

Health Coaches, Wellness Experts, Yoga Instructors, Holistic Healers, Yoga Studio Owners... are you in need of done-for-you content to connect with the people on your list, get more signups, and continue educating your readers?

Attract more health coaching clients... Establish yourself as the go-to yoga authority. Get more subscribers. Sell more products.

Here are just a few takeaways that your readers will experience with this information on their side...

Why they procrastinate doing yoga and make things MUCH harder than it has to be... and how to STOP doing that so they can finally START loving yoga and the amazing effects it has on their entire being

That yoga does NOT have to be a boring exercise routine that they dread... instead it can be a pleasurable activity that they flow into with ease, and look forward to each and every day...

That yoga is anything but repetitive... they just have to know where to look for inspiration, and open their minds to exciting new poses and even methods for doing the old poses they know...

Which yoga basics to nail so they can move past the beginner stage and embark on their transformation to a life-long self-care practice

That yoga fits right into their schedule, NOT the other way around... so they can STOP thinking of it an obligatory chore, and START to feel excited about their practice just like when they were first learning...

How to overcome their dependency on yoga teachers... so that instead of having to always wait until the next class, follow along with the next guided meditation, or tune into a video, they can spring into instant yoga whenever and wherever they like

That they get to decide, in their yoga practice, HOW to do yoga in a way that suits their personality, current needs, health goals, energy levels, and lifestyle...

How to flow from one yoga pose into the next without worrying that you're "doing it wrong" so that yoga is no longer based in fear, but instead becomes a delightfully free-flowing form of exercise that increases their confidence, reduces stress, helps them sleep better, and makes them look and feel years younger.

How to "find the yoga moment" in everyday activities... and what they must do if they REALLY want to transform their yoga ritual from a dreaded exercise routine into a cherished, lifelong self care practice

What's Included in "Transform Your Yoga" PLR Ebook or Online Course Content?

This beautifully written content arrives in your email inbox in a 38-page MS Word document containing 9,200+ words.

We've even included yoga pose images throughout the text, which will REALLY cut production hours for you. You will also be able to access your MS Word document each time you log into your Wordfeeder member area.

Here are a few ideas of how you can use this private label rights content:

Here's What's Included with this Package of Done-for-You Health Coaching Content

38 pages of high quality content, word count 9,200+, delivered in an MS Word document via email and also accessible from inside of your Wordfeeder PLR membership account.

This content is brand new, created over the past week, and ready to launch as a an ebook or email autoresponder course - with IMAGES ALREADY INCLUDED.

For a FULLY immersive learning experience that is just as good as if you offered one-on-one coaching on how to transform your yoga practice... in fact, it might just be better!

TRANSFORM YOUR YOGA: from Dreaded Exercise Routine to Cherished, Life-Long Self Care Practice that You Look Forward To Every Day Email Course or Ebook PLR Content - 9,283 words

Table of contents covers the following articles...

The document contains ebook-sized images placed throughout the text - so you can cut your ebook production time considerably

At this price, this complete yoga course is a no-brainer... grab your copy to customize and launch ASAp!

Just think, if you had a copywriter create this for you from scratch, it would run you anywhere from several hundred to possibly a thousand, and that's on the low end depending on edits and other factors.

This is a complete, polished DRAFT that you get to customize any way you like and make into your own digital product.

Here's a Writing Sample Screenshot:

Another writing sample:

This Digital Product is Offered as PLR: Private Label Rights Content. Use it to Create Profits for Your Coaching Business or Niche Website.

Create and launch digital products & coaching programs. Help people solve problems and live better, affordably.

Offer PDF courses by email or hosted privately.

Launch a multi-media course on a site like Teachable.

Create a paid video course

Launch an email course or challenge.

Make into client learning materials.

Get new signups and connect with your fans and followers.

Offer an ebook, whitepaper, special report or series of tips as an opt-in gift.

Turn into an article feature for your email newsletter.

Use the content to make a short, free webinar to give your followers a taste of what's to come.

Grow your brand and increase your reach by publishing authoritative content.

Share as blog posts or web articles.

Post the articles on social media with a link back to your blog or sign-up page.

Make video talks, slide shows or tutorials to share on your channel.

Add to Pinterest pins to drive traffic back to your blog.

RULES: Edit, brand, copy, cut, paste, add to and change this any way you like. Do not publish originator's name. Do not resell as PLR. You may offer personal rights to your customers.


Work SMARTER, Not Harder

NO paying a writer to create this from scratch for hundreds of dollars

NO more slaving away at the computer for weeks and weeks to create this on your own

YES this can be branded with your name and business details. You can edit it, add to it, change it, and publish any way you like - give away, sell as an ebook, it's up to YOU.

Add This Content to Your Collection Right Now.

Save countless hours and dollars thanks to our well-researched, expertly written or created PLR content!

This content purchase grants private label rights. Edit, publish as your own, sell or give away. Do not use our name or offer as PLR. This content is personal-rights use only.

You are mere minutes away from accessing this professional quality content download via email!

Buy now opens to a new checkout window so you won't lose this one.

How to Access Your PLR Content:

Once your order processes, you will be asked to create a login to the Wordfeeder member site. Do this, then check your email for a confirmation, plus another email containing your delivery of the files.

If you have any questions or trouble with your download, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

THANKS for supporting our freelance businesses. CHEERS to you in yours!