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Magnificent at Midlife 20-Day Challenge Content - Done-for-You!

Prewritten 20-Day Challenge for Life Coaches and Wellness Coaches to Publish as Your Own, Paid Online Course

Audience: Middle aged women approaching or in menopause. Interested in total wellness for body, mind and spirit.

Course-ready content can be published by life coaches, women's health experts, wellness coaches, holistic coaches.

Searching for high quality content to add your special touches and launch as a coaching course?

This 20-day women's wellness challenge comes with private label rights. Feel free to add your branding, include upsells, change any of the wording or insert your own ideas, quotes, tips and stories.

If you have relevant products that you'd like to recommend which include your affiliate link, add those too! Think skincare, supplements, vitamins, juicers, yoga and fitness gear.

The more you change this content, the more likely it will be to reflect your unique coaching personality and teachings.

Offer this informative wellness challenge, delivered by email, as an illuminating educational series.

Use this content to create a 20-Day Email or Social Media Challenge, make an ebook download, share on your blog, or anything else you may think of!

Includes: Files delivered instantly via email and accessible via your member area. MS Word-compatible document for the written portion. Small .JPG files of the images.

Magnificent at Midlife 20-Day Wellness Challenge for Women - 10,000+ words total

Day 1 Intro: Facing the Strange Changes
Day 2: Feeling a Bit Spicy in the 40s and Beyond
Day 3: Menopause Around the World
Day 4: Your Body is a Temple
Day 5: The Delicate Balance
Day 6: Salt, Sugar and Your Menopause Middle
Day 7: Plant-Based Possibilities for Magnificence at Midlife
Day 8: Partial Plant Based
Day 9: Food Journaling for Female Hormone Health at Middle Age
Day 10: All the Female Feels.
Day 11: Secrets of Asian & African Women for Lessening Menopause Symptoms through Diet
Day 12: The Magical Elixir of Youthfulness
Day 13: Calm Your Hormones.
Day 14: Sexual Healing.
Day 15: Exercise is a Midlife Must.
Day 16: Run for Your Bones
Day 17: Reduce Stress, Deliver Self-Care.
Day 18: Healthy Fat is Where It's At
Day 19: Go with Your Creative Flow
Day 20: Self Care for Your Spirit

Once ordered, you receive private label rights to publish this as your own.

Sell this content as an ebook, course or email series... or give away as an opt-in gift to get more subscribers on your list.

Writing Sample of the Included Content:

Writing Sample 2:

Writing Sample 3:


A Total of 69 Small .JPG Images Included

Close-up of a single image that's included:

Use these in your emails, blog posts, or throughout the e-guide that you create and share as a PDF download.

Best Way to Profit and Help People Using this Brandable Content:

As a 20-Day Email Challenge sent out by autoresponder. Email challenges are HOT right now, and they're so easy to sell via your website.

Here's How Much You Save:


Magnificent at Midlife 20-Day Challenge

60 hours to write from scratch

60 hours at $70 per hour = $4200.00

This content is regularly priced at $67 so you get it for less than the cost of two self help books!


This Digital Product is Offered as PLR: Private Label Rights Content. Use it to Create Profits for Your Coaching Business or Niche Website.

Create and launch digital products & coaching programs. Help people solve problems and live better, affordably.

Offer PDF courses by email or hosted privately.

Launch a multi-media course on a site like Teachable.

Create a paid video course

Launch an email course or challenge.

Make into client learning materials.

Get new signups and connect with your fans and followers.

Offer an ebook, whitepaper, special report or series of tips as an opt-in gift.

Turn into an article feature for your email newsletter.

Use the content to make a short, free webinar to give your followers a taste of what's to come.

Grow your brand and increase your reach by publishing authoritative content.

Share as blog posts or web articles.

Post the articles on social media with a link back to your blog or sign-up page.

Make video talks, slide shows or tutorials to share on your channel.

Add to Pinterest pins to drive traffic back to your blog.

RULES: Edit, brand, copy, cut, paste, add to and change this any way you like. Do not publish originator's name. Do not resell as PLR. You may offer personal rights to your customers.


Work SMARTER, Not Harder

NO paying a writer to create this from scratch for hundreds of dollars

NO more slaving away at the computer for weeks and weeks to create this on your own

YES this can be branded with your name and business details. You can edit it, add to it, change it, and publish any way you like - give away, sell as an ebook, it's up to YOU.

Add This Content to Your Collection Right Now.

Save countless hours and dollars thanks to our well-researched, expertly written or created PLR content!

This content purchase grants private label rights. Edit, publish as your own, sell or give away. Do not use our name or offer as PLR. This content is personal-rights use only.

You are mere minutes away from accessing this professional quality content download via email!

Buy Now opens up to a new window so you won't lose this one.

How to Access Your PLR Content:

Once your order processes, you will be asked to create a login to the Wordfeeder member site. Do this, then check your email for a confirmation, plus another email containing your delivery of the files.

If you have any questions or trouble with your download, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

THANKS for supporting our freelance businesses. CHEERS to you in yours!