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Narcissism PLR Articles

"How to Empower Yourself Against a Narcissistic Partner or Family Member" - 5,000+ words Total

This is Pack 2 in our Ongoing Self-Help Series

Psychology and Mental Health Experts... are you in search of high quality narcissism articles?

Are you in search of NPD articles to add to your online collection designed to help people in need of psychology advice and information? Narcissism remains one of the most widely searched mental health topics online. Whether you're a licensed therapist or counselor, clinical psychologist or the owner of a psychology blog, these articles will help you drive traffic so you can build your list and make money by sharing or selling this content on the web.

The word "narcissism" turns up 823,000 searches per month in the US alone

Here's a quick snapshot of the monthly search volume for this word and other related terms.

The people who are in desperate search for more information on this mind-boggling affliction could easily become your customers if you show up in the right places to discuss this personality disorder in detail. Just think of the potential for you to own this market when you're right there sharing high quality information on narcissistic personality disorder, signs of narcissism and more.

Wordfeeder has your narcissism articles... Don't miss the savings on Pack 2 in our ongoing narcissism series.

Our Narcissism Article PLR Pack 2 includes 5,000+ words. It's titled "How to Empower Yourself Against a Narcissistic Partner or Family Member" and would work as either an ebook, autoresponder series, or published as separate blog posts. This pack of 8 articles with private label rights to put your name on, edit and publish as your own contains the following titles:

1. Spot the Narcissist in Your Family or Household
2. Why Stay With a Narcissist?
3. How Does Being With a Narcissist Affect Your Health?
4. The Critical Importance of Self Care in a Narcissistic Relationship
5. Why Stay With a Narcissist?
6. NPD and Trust Issues in Relationships
7. NPD 101: Seeking Validation from Outside Sources
8. Narcissist Survival: Where to Find Support for Your Emotional Needs


Here's a writing sample screen shot:

Q: What Can You Do With These Psychology Articles?

A: Once purchased, these articles are yours to publish however you like.

You may edit this content to your liking, including deleting any parts that don't necessarily reflect or represent your views; adding your own examples and stories, or cutting and pasting different sections of text into different spots.

The one exception is that we do not offer resell rights to the articles themselves. You may, however, brand this content with your name, company name, logo and images, and then set up to sell in an ecourse or ebook.

Other Ideas for Publishing Narcissism Articles:

Set up as one stand-alone ebook, or a section of an ebook that covers a more broad scope of mental health subject matter. Sell the ebook, or give it away to readers in exchange for their contact information.

Add the articles to your blog to help drive targeted traffic and get more signups for your programs and one-on-one counseling if that is what you offer.

Publish them in your monthly newsletter to create a connection with readers

Paste snippets of the text into social media posts with a "read more" link that goes back to your blog

Offer as an autoresponder course that you can charge a fee for.

Add to your library of reading materials that members can sign up for a paid subscription to access


This Digital Product is Offered as PLR: Private Label Rights Content. Use it to Create Profits for Your Coaching Business or Niche Website.

Create and launch digital products & coaching programs. Help people solve problems and live better, affordably.

Offer PDF courses by email or hosted privately.

Launch a multi-media course on a site like Teachable.

Create a paid video course

Launch an email course or challenge.

Make into client learning materials.

Get new signups and connect with your fans and followers.

Offer an ebook, whitepaper, special report or series of tips as an opt-in gift.

Turn into an article feature for your email newsletter.

Use the content to make a short, free webinar to give your followers a taste of what's to come.

Grow your brand and increase your reach by publishing authoritative content.

Share as blog posts or web articles.

Post the articles on social media with a link back to your blog or sign-up page.

Make video talks, slide shows or tutorials to share on your channel.

Add to Pinterest pins to drive traffic back to your blog.

RULES: Edit, brand, copy, cut, paste, add to and change this any way you like. Do not publish originator's name. Do not resell as PLR. You may offer personal rights to your customers.


Work SMARTER, Not Harder

NO paying a writer to create this from scratch for hundreds of dollars

NO more slaving away at the computer for weeks and weeks to create this on your own

YES this can be branded with your name and business details. You can edit it, add to it, change it, and publish any way you like - give away, sell as an ebook, it's up to YOU.

Add This Content to Your Collection Right Now.

Save countless hours and dollars thanks to our well-researched, expertly written or created PLR content!

This content purchase grants private label rights. Edit, publish as your own, sell or give away. Do not use our name or offer as PLR. This content is personal-rights use only.

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How to Access Your PLR Content:

Once your order processes, you will be asked to create a login to the Wordfeeder member site. Do this, then check your email for a confirmation, plus another email containing your delivery of the files.

If you have any questions or trouble with your download, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

THANKS for supporting our freelance businesses. CHEERS to you in yours!