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NEW! Weight Loss PLR or Done-for-You Health Coaching Content


Fitness for All Seasons PLR - 10 Articles or 7386 words total

Titles include:

1. Why Exercise Outdoors Year-Round?
2. Tips for Exercising Outdoors Year-Round and in All Weather
3. Make the Most of Your Outdoor Exercise Plan Year-Round
4. Outdoor Exercise in the Fall: Safety Tips
5. Best Tips for Running in the Rain
6. How to Be Safe When You Run in the Snow
7. Getting Motivated to Exercise Outdoors in the Winter
8. Safety Tips for Runners
9. Simple Stretches for Before and After You Run or Exercise
10. Outdoor Exercise for Allergy Sufferers

This content can be edited and branded as your own, to sell ebooks, make blog posts, offer coaching packages and more!


Screenshot of the Content:


Highest Quality Writing - Impressive Price. Order ala carte or via our paid PLR Membership

Your Weight Loss and Fitness Readers Will Appreciate This Information!


Other Great Ideas for Using Wordfeeder's PLR Content to Create Profit:

Create an email and social media challenge (think 30-day challenge, or 21-day challenge)

Set up email courses or an email series of tips. Autoresponders can be sent out every day for 5 days, every week for 4 weeks, or however you'd like to set yours up to go out automatically after people sign up.

Design and post Pins. An eye-catching infographic and compelling lead-in brings them from Pinterest to your blog where they can learn more and sign up for your list!

Make PowerPoint presentations - slide by slide, file delivered via link in an email.

Create video slide shows. One short blurb or tip per slide, set to music, with images, works great.

Launch video tutorials - featuring you as the teacher, speaking about a topic. You can share the videos publicly to get known in your field. And you can also offer an upgrade option for people who may want a more in-depth learning experience.

The PLR articles that you receive from Wordfeeder will help you accomplish the above publishing goals and more!

This exceptional quality content from Wordfeeder includes private label rights to publish this content as your own.


Fitness for All Seasons - 10 Articles or 7K+ words

20 hours to write from scratch

20 hours at $50 per hour = $1000.00

This content is regularly priced at $37 so you get it for less than the cost of a new yoga mat!


This Digital Product is Offered as PLR: Private Label Rights Content. Use it to Create Profits for Your Coaching Business or Niche Website.

Create and launch digital products & coaching programs. Help people solve problems and live better, affordably.

Offer PDF courses by email or hosted privately.

Launch a multi-media course on a site like Teachable.

Create a paid video course

Launch an email course or challenge.

Make into client learning materials.

Get new signups and connect with your fans and followers.

Offer an ebook, whitepaper, special report or series of tips as an opt-in gift.

Turn into an article feature for your email newsletter.

Use the content to make a short, free webinar to give your followers a taste of what's to come.

Grow your brand and increase your reach by publishing authoritative content.

Share as blog posts or web articles.

Post the articles on social media with a link back to your blog or sign-up page.

Make video talks, slide shows or tutorials to share on your channel.

Add to Pinterest pins to drive traffic back to your blog.

RULES: Edit, brand, copy, cut, paste, add to and change this any way you like. Do not publish originator's name. Do not resell as PLR. You may offer personal rights to your customers.


Work SMARTER, Not Harder

NO paying a writer to create this from scratch for hundreds of dollars

NO more slaving away at the computer for weeks and weeks to create this on your own

YES this can be branded with your name and business details. You can edit it, add to it, change it, and publish any way you like - give away, sell as an ebook, it's up to YOU.

Add This Content to Your Collection Right Now.

Save countless hours and dollars thanks to our well-researched, expertly written or created PLR content!

This content purchase grants private label rights. Edit, publish as your own, sell or give away. Do not use our name or offer as PLR. This content is personal-rights use only.

You are mere minutes away from accessing this professional quality content download via email!

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How to Access Your PLR Content:

Once your order processes, you will be asked to create a login to the Wordfeeder member site. Do this, then check your email for a confirmation, plus another email containing your delivery of the files.

If you have any questions or trouble with your download, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

THANKS for supporting our freelance businesses. CHEERS to you in yours!