PLR Product or Membership
Gratitude as Positive Psychology - PLR Articles - 15 Total - 7,924 words $27.00 15 articles and nearly 8K words of gratitude PLR content. Niches: Gratitude, self help, life coaching, positive psychology. Titles can be found on the sales page at
Gratitude in Challenging Times PLR - 15 Articles - 8076 words total $47.00 Audiences: Life Coaches, Positivity Experts. Niches: Gratitude, Positivity. Total of 15 articles or 8076 words. Find the full list of titles at
Thankful, Grateful, Blessed - 15 PLR Articles Email Series - 8647 words total with private label rights $47.00 Need done-for-you coaching content with a gratitude theme? Each of the below topics includes 1 intro email and 1 matching article. A total of 8600+ words with private label rights. Set this up as a social media or email challenge. 15 days to practice gratitude with your clients, fans, followers and friends!
Here's what's included:
1. Thanksgiving is More than an Afternoon of Eating
2. Into the Spirit of Giving Thanks
3. Being Thankful is Good for Your Health, Here's Why
4. Getting into a Gratitude Practice: Nightly Ritual
5. Simple, Daily Joys to be Thankful For
6. A Simple Gratitude Ritual for the Nightly Dinner Table
7. Seeking to be Grateful Even in Difficult Times
8. Please Pass the Gratitude: Thankfulness is Contagious
9. Cultivate a Grateful Mindset in Your Kids Sets them on the Path to Happiness and Contentment
10. Thankful for Difficult Moments, for the Lesson Will Bring You Strength
11. Thankful for the People Who Hurt Us, for They Made You Powerful
12. Thankful for the Moments Between the Moments
13. Get Immersive With Your Gratitude Practice
14. Grateful and Blessed to Have So Many Choices
15. Write an I Love Life, Firsts, or Favorite Things List: Let Your Gratitude Flow!