People Pleasing PLR Coming in July

Heads up for a brand new set of 15 articles from Wordfeeder that will be coming on the topic of people pleasing. These articles will include private label rights to sell or share as your own.

The official working titles (subject to change) are as follows:

“For People Pleasers Who Want Stronger Boundaries” PLR Articles – coming soon!

1. Stop Being a People Pleaser
2. Is it Bad to be a People Pleaser?
3. Are You a People Pleaser?
4. Do People Pleasers Hold Themselves to a Higher Standard of Perfection?
5. Tame Your People Pleasing Ways by Discovering What You Need
6. Daily Mantras for People Pleasers to Create Balance in Relationships
7. Do People Pleasers Think Differently Than Everyone Else?
8. Practices to Put in Place to Lessen Your People Pleasing Tendency
9. People Pleasers Should Not Give Up on the World and Here’s Why
10. People Pleasers and Codependence
11. Exploring the Reasons People Pleasers Struggle with Self Worth
12. People Pleasers Should Seek the Company of Gentle, Forgiving and Supportive Souls
13. Boundaries Pose a Special Challenge for People Pleasers
14. Tips for People Pleasers Wanting to Strengthen Boundaries
15. Ways for People Pleasers to Tend Their Own Spirit and Deliver Care to Themselves

If you work as a life coach or therapist helping clients navigate relationship challenges, this topic will be a popular one with your clients.

Here are a couple of screenshots of the People Pleasing articles in production.


These 15 titles on people pleasing can be purposed for your life coaching business in an number of ways.

  • Use them for your individual work with clients
  • Make into an ebook to sell or share as part of your monthly membership
  • Incorporate into a bigger course on navigating difficulties in relationships
  • Share on your blog to attract new readers and get more signups
  • Record yourself talking about the tips on a video to help build your presence online
  • Anything else you can think of

Our 15-article deliverable for the life coach PLR monthly at Wordfeeder costs just $11.97 per month.

You get to start downloading a backlog of terrific quality articles immediately.

Don’t want the monthly? Sign up to order these a la carte and get a coupon discount once they release!

Go here to sign up for any of our free or paid content memberships at

If you select the Life Coach PLR Monthly, you’ll get to download ALL prior released articles since January 2021. Then when these are ready you’ll get to download them, too!