amember course

Advanced aMember Course: Sneak Peek at What’s Coming

If you haven’t heard, I’m a writer who sells content via a membership on my site. I’m creating a bangin’ course on how YOU can do this, too… from the comfort of home, using my Secret Success Weapon, aMember Pro Software.

Damn, I LOVE this software, and you will, too.

Why Did I Go DEEP with the Advanced aMember Course?

I’m going deep with this aMember course because it’s time to shake up and wake up the marketing world. Fun fact, did you know that in aMember you can share VIDEO to your paying members? That’s HUGE.

Think of the profit potential living in this one tiny feature. Think tutorials… done-for-you video content for your marketing clients… whoo!

But enough about video… we’re writers here. Because reading and writing are MY loves... I’m over here using aMember to offer articles, ebooks and digital products to coaches and niche bloggers.

My customers use the content I create for them to build their following, serve their clients, and sell digital products. They get to log in, download the document, or access the template via Canva… then, edit and launch as their own.

Everyone wants to do this online now!

If you write or create in Canva, you need to get in on the action.

A Membership site is a GREAT way to create an income stream via list building and membership management.

Move away from serving clients, and enjoy more freedom in your working life.

aMember is EASY to Learn, Intuitive, and the HUGE Advantage is that the Affiliate Program is Built In, So We All Win

I’ll teach you EVERYTHING I learned the hard, laborious, mistake-addled way. NO MISTAKES FOR YOU if you have this material to guide you!

Advanced aMember Course: Let me give you some MORE sweet peeks at what’s coming for you to run with…

  • EXACT steps to set up a content based product for sale so it’s ALMOST TOTALLY HANDS-OFF.
  • The MISSING SHORTCUT you need to drastically reduce the amount of customer questions in your inbox, and drastically increase customer happiness levels
  • The SECRET STRATEGY I use to whip out bundle offers at a breakneck speed
  • How to rig your AFFILIATE PERCENTAGE to a fluctuating commission that YOU control… so you can ease off sending payouts on some weeks, and make it a affiliate WINDFALL on other weeks
  • The ESSENTIAL PAGE that can turn a freebie into sale, and a mini product into a BIG flurry of orders
  • The LESSER KNOWN trick for cranking out emails that spur your affiliates into action and orders
  • Shifting into an EXPANSIVE content creation mindset to make your creations go FARTHER which translates to MORE DOLLARS and LESS WORK
  • The MISSING PUZZLE PIECE of how to set up your monthly content deliverables so you’re SIGHING instead of STRESSING at the end of each month, knowing your members have everything they paid for
  • The awesome ADD-ON that lets you collab with whomever you want… because teamwork means MORE productivity to COMPOUND revenue and share the wealth.
  • …and more! (because we always have to say that, right!?)

Here’s an example of just ONE of the many “I can’t believe I didn’t know that” tidbits that I have crammed in for you to use to GROW your business:

After you set up the affiliate links, LOG IN as one of your affiliates. Navigate to their affiliate area AS THEM. Search for the affiliate link to the product you just set up as a limited time offer.

Copy and paste their affiliate link, and then change THEIR USERNAME to XXX. This will be the link that you copy and paste into your affiliate emails with details about the offer, and instructions on how to promote.

Advanced aMember Pro. A Bohemoth of a Course on How to Run a Done-for-You Content Membership

This course is 87 pages and STILL GROWING! If you don’t want to learn the hard and long way like I did, grab your copy when it comes out.

Discover how to create profits with aMember and make your membership the best it can be. Read through this course, and let the information sink in. Then when you’re ready, put the advice to use.

I have tons of details, screen shots and coveted tips in here that can dramatically change the way you manage your member area and work to increase your profits with a membership.

Are you ready to launch a content membership using aMember software?

Do you want to take your aMember based membership to the next level?

Advanced aMember is Coming Next Week. Be Prepared to Prosper!

If you’re not already on my list, sign up using the form below, and I’ll email you when it’s ready.


IMPORTANT: If you are unable to see a form here, your browser settings may be blocking Javascript. Email and I will manually add you. Don’t forget to check for a confirmation email, open it and click the link! Also check spam, and add us to your Safe Senders list.