Keto vs. Low Carb PLR and the Research That Goes into Content Creation at Wordfeeder

Hey, Dina the content writer from Wordfeeder here. I get a lot of requests for keto and low carb content. It’s what everyone on the web is searching for who’s interested in losing weight.

I want to emphasize to you all that the keto diet is a drastic change to the body and comes with its share of risks. I try to emphasize that in the content I write here on Wordfeeder.

Our keto articles and low carb recipes are meant for educational purposes ONLY.

The content we create here is NOT purposed with the intention of getting more people to go keto. It’s actually meant to educate people on what the diet involves, what the risks are, how it changes your metabolism, and inform people that their best bet if they want to do “true keto” is to follow the advice of their doctor before embarking on this or any other drastic lifestyle change.

I create low carb recipes, but these are not medical keto. They’re for people who heard about keto, want to know more, and are really interested in lowering carbs to keep their blood sugar within a normal range and lose weight while improving their health.

If your readers are thinking of going “true keto” they should discuss it with their doctor.

The screen shot that you see featured up top is NOT meant to serve as a keto meal. It’s my research on what the CDC is currently recommending in the way of sample meals for diabetics trying to keep their blood sugar stable.

Again, I base my recipe creation and articles that I write about lowering carbs, eating to lose weight and be healthy, on research

I’ll give you screen shots of some of my info sources.

This is actually me, looking up information as I prepare to write content.

I believe that if people are becoming aware that lowering their carb intake can be a healthy method of losing weight and being healthy, then a good place to start would be medical and nutritional recommendations provided to people with diabetes.

You don’t have to be diabetic to want to control your blood sugar.

It makes perfect sense that the fewer blood sugar spikes you have, the less your liver and pancreas must work to process that sugar, and the healthier you’ll be.

Here are some screen shots of places that I take my knowledge of healthy eating, portion control and low carb recipe ideas from:

The CDC or Center for Disease Control is a great place to start with any research on medical or nutritional matters:

The Mayo Clinic is also a trusted information source:


Wordfeeder provides low carb PLR articles and recipes that you can use in your recipe videos, online cookbooks, emails and blog posts.

If you’re in need of low carb recipes for your weight loss readers to manage their carb intake throughout the year, from bathing suit season to surviving holiday meals, then take a look at the delicious, nutritious recipes we offer at Wordfeeder that come with private label rights.

Always disclaim, and always outline the risks.

If you feel up to the challenge of answering reader questions about the keto diet and low carb eating, be sure to clearly outline the risks as well as potential benefits.

We do not know the long term effects of eating in a way that converts fat to energy instead of glucose to energy which is how the body operates normally. Be sure to disclaim EVERY piece of content you put out there with the following:

This information is not intended to serve as medical advice. If you are experiencing symptoms or have concerns of any kind, please consult with your physician.

Need low carb recipe PLR? Wordfeeder has that for you with our brand new set of 7 WRITTEN recipes, “Low Carb Recipes for You to Enjoy”.

This recipe content comes with 7 recipes, written text only, delivered in MS Word.

Monetize Your PLR Recipe Content. Here’s How.

People LOVE reading and sharing recipes online. If you make a video and do it well, your video will get shared like crazy.

Or you can offer the recipes in an opt-in gift online cookbook or add to your member area of your website.

Test out these recipes in your own kitchen, modify if necessary, snap in-process photos and post in video recipe tutorials or on Pinterest, your blog or newsletter.

It’s also a great idea to share Amazon product recommendations of popular products, like Zoodle makers, cutting boards, vitamixers, Instant Pots, and other items, along with the recipes you share, to monetize your content with affiliate income.

We do offer PLR images as a gift to our customers from time to time, but these are generic photos that we obtain from stock image websites and NOT pictures of the actual recipes.

Go get your copy of 7 WRITTEN recipes, “Low Carb Recipes for You to Enjoy”, and monetize this content ASAP!