Must-Have Tools for Launching Digital Products Like Ebooks and Courses

FAQ: What Tools Can You Use to Sell Ebooks and Courses?

It’s important to have tools that automate online sales of your digital products, like ebooks and courses.

You should be list-building. I recommend Aweber.

It’s a good idea to put a page up on your website to let people know your ebook is coming. Create a list for this purpose. Then create a sign-up form and add it to your website page that you wrote making the announcement.

Use E-Junkie to Sell Ebooks.

Selling an ebook is a great idea. It’s a perfect income stream if you love to write and/or teach.

Sign up with e-junkie and set up your first digital product, like an ebook in PDF format. Link your account up with your PayPal and your email address for automated, hands-off ebook sales online.

Try e-junkie now… it’s SO easy to use!

Sell Online Courses in Teachable.

Try Teachable if you want to sell multi-faceted courses online. This is an amazing program for coaches to bundle digital products.

Your Teachable course that you sell can contain: 1. an ebook PDF. 2. a video tutorial (or several of them); 3. a pictorial series. 4. Questions and assignments for students to submit.