Some digital products sell better than others, here’s why

Hey, it’s Dina of Wordfeeder PLR here. Wanted to talk to my fellow content creators who sell digital products online.

I’ve been meaning to tell you something about my best selling content packs. I noticed that the digital products that perform best in terms of sales conversion do so for a specific reason.

It’s the numbers. The numbers tell the story. People are very influenced by the numbers.

When I do the keyword research and I put a little screenshot of how many searches are being conducted on those specific word combinations, that seems to get more people excited for the content that I’ve written and am selling.

I am definitely lazy about this and I do not always take the time to do the keyword research and take the screenshot to post. But it really goes pretty quickly. I’m just not in the habit. I’m going to try and get in the habit. And you should, too.

Long before I started doing this I noticed other PLR sellers who had been in the game much longer than I have made it a practice to always post the keyword analysis publicly. This way their audiences could see for themselves who’s out there searching for this information and usually it’s a lot of people.

If you sell PLR content (or other types of digital products) like I do, you could get more sales if you just take the time to point out that this content covers a topic that lots of people are searching.

Then if I sign up to be your affiliate and I send people to your sales page, it’s probably more likely that those folks are going to connect with what you’re offering and make a purchase.

So when you win, I win, and your customers win, and everybody wins. Win win!

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