What a Cowboy Cooking Scrambled Eggs Can Teach You About Niche Marketing

Looking for ways to spin your PLR content to make it unique?

(In case you don’t know, PLR stands for private label rights content. It means pre-written articles that you publish under your own brand.)

I found the perfect example of getting nichey with it, right on YouTube.

It was this cowboy. He was squatting at a campfire tending to a giant cast iron pan full of scrambled eggs.

I don’t remember his exact recipe. But it was something ordinary that we have all eaten at the diner. He took a regular country omelet type of meal with eggs peppers, onion, and maybe ham, and turned up the cowboy intensity on this thing.

I’m really not sure what he added, I would think that cornbread and maybe some baked beans would turn this into official cowboy fare.

But the point was that the cowboy expertly spun some ordinary recipe content and made it exciting and original.

That’s what you’ve got to do when you purchase prewritten articles and ebook content on Wordfeeder.com.

Take the ordinary articles and spin it for a niche. So if you pick up some articles on how to do Facebook marketing, inject some nichey goodness.

  • Facebook marketing for the social media clueless
  • Facebook marketing for people who don’t have time for Facebook
  • Facebook marketing for seniors

Do you see how we took a generic topic and spun it to an audience? That’s what the cowboy did, and that’s what you need to do to make your own content exciting and original.

Want to try it? Head right over to Wordfeeder and sign up for a free PLR membership.

Download an article and practice spinning it for a niche.

Once you get good at that, sign up for the 15-article paid PLR monthly at $11.97.

We have 3 PLR Monthly Memberships for you to try. Business, Life Coach and Weight Loss

If you’re in a hurry and don’t want to read all of that stuff, just sign up right here

You can cancel or resubscribe anytime from PayPal, so it’s really no big deal!

There’s so much you can do with this content, it’s ridiculous!

  • Set up blog posts
  • Make an ebook opt-in gift
  • Create a bigger ebook to sell
  • Combine the ebook with a video course and put it up for purchase on Teachable
  • Add questionnaires and journaling assignments along with the ebook content and use it in your work with clients
  • Take the same articles, questions and journal assignments and make into a group coaching class that people can access via social media or in a series of email auto responders
  • Set up several articles to go out automatically on email and make it into an Email Challenge on a specific topic of interest
  • Grab one article and send it out as an email newsletter to remind people that you’re out there and can help them!

I really could just go on and on. But instead I think maybe you can find out for yourself when you sign up for our Wordfeeder PLR membership today