A PLR membership is a convenient, budget-friendly way to get done-for-you content with private label rights that you can edit and use in your business. We offer several options for niche bloggers to download PLR articles each month, with fresh content coming in all the time. Here are the different memberships we offer. Enrollment opens for part of the year. If you would like to join, sign up for our emails to be notified of the next membership enrollment period.
12 Months of Relationship Advice Articles
Ala Carte Price is $47 per pack
NOW $27 per month
Learn more about our Relationships PLR Membership here.
Wordfeeder memberships that we have run in the past include our 3 Smart Coach PLR Memberships. When active, you get the choice to sign up as a Business, Life Coach, and/or Weight Loss PLR member.
Each month for each of the 3 Smart Coach memberships, we add around 6K words of topic-specific written content... or, we may occasionally substitute something of equal value.
The Pot Luck PLR Club delivers a minimum of one piece of content each month - typically a single article for a blog post, or a pack of images on a single theme, to use in your publishing.
If you would like to be notified of when the Business, Life Coaching or Weight Loss content memberships will open, and what will be offered for the monthly deliverable, sign up for a Basic PLR membership and start receiving our emails.