done for you coaching content

What are the Hot Coaches Publishing Online that YOU Might Want to Share, Too?

What are the hot coaches doing that you might want to do, eh?

This spunky relationship coach started showing up in my Facebook feed. She’s over fifty and on fire ๐Ÿ˜‰

I think FB started showing her to me because I follow Relationship Rules looking for article topics. (Everybody’s got a reason for doing what they do, right?)

The relationship coach is hitting hard on social with short, engaging videos covering relationship topics of interest. One that she shared is a little quiz she read off, Signs You’re in a Codependent Relationship.

(ooh, we create content like this on Wordfeeder and it’s ALREADY written for you to run with!)

She takes the time to make her hair FABULOUS! and put on natural, tasteful makeup before making her videos. This really helps to attract attention. She is a hot mom bomb!!

Are you doing this for your coaching biz, too? What about a blog post version of this type of content sharing? DON’T FORGET YOUR TAGS and HASHTAGS.

You don’t have to show up on video if you’re not ready. But it really helps to target those sought-after topics and share content about them on your blog.

When searchers find the content, have your sign-up form primed and ready to welcome them onto your list.

Even better if you’ve got a gift for them – a five-page ebook, say!

At Wordfeeder I have a TON of professionally written content like this. It can be yours to publish, market or sell in digital product form, with just a few changes and your own special touch.

This page shows the fresh content releases for June. Our content is for coaches and niche bloggers like you to use in your business!

June Topics are:

  • Life Coach: Joy in Simplicity Ebook Package with Journal Exercises in Canva and MS Word
  • Business PLR: aMember Advanced Course: Run a Content Membership from Your Own Website Using aMember Pro Software –ย with 114-page ebook in Canva, 14 autoresponder emails
  • Weight Loss PLR: Exercise Tips for People Who Don’t Like to Exercise MS WORD ONLY this month

The download page will arrive in your inbox as soon as you renew. I fixed the member area earlier this year so it would be SUPER EASY for my customers to find what they need.

This year’s content is Canva MS Word packages in most cases. So you are REALLY getting a deal on reader-ready content with tons of profit potential!

Click on each of the product pages listed on the June PLR page.

One more thing…

  • Are you using PLR to creat profits in your business and save you thousands per year on freelance help?
  • Are you using PLR to GROW your business with GREAT content that helps people??

I hope that you joined my list because you want to sell digital products and use PLR content to do it faster.

At Wordfeeder we are now meeting the demands of the times by including a Canva template with most of the new content packs we create.

If you don’t use Canva, that’s okay because I still copy and paste into MS Word and provide the document as part of the content package.

But the Canva really elevates the quality of what you produce, and speeds up production by A LOT. So if you wanted to roll out an opt-in gift to get more pumped buyers on your list, you could do that.

Visit this page to read the June content releases and decide if your readers would LOVE to learn from these.

Any questions or issues, or if you need me to manually adjust a coupon for you, email

Thanks for your continued support of our freelance writing endavors! Your small purchase helps me continue to bring you exceptional quality content at unheard-of prices.

Dina at Wordfeeder PLR