How do you make search engines love your blog posts?

Unless you’re in a really obscure niche,l reptile owners who love cooking scrambled egg dishes, you probably have some pretty steep competition when it comes to getting your blog posts to top the search engine list when people hunt online for what you’ve got going on.

Of course, even if you are that reptile owner who has 64 different ways to make scrambled eggs there’s probably only two people searching for that.

They will find you if you blog about those things, yes. But since there’s only two of them, you might not want to target quite that specifically.

Most people who have a basic knowledge of search engine marketing know that you’ve got to get your keywords into the blog post titles, the main title of the blog itself, and the H1 and H2 and h3 headlines.

But if everyone who’s blogging is aware of that, what can you do in addition, to make sure your blog posts are noticed first?

Go deep with your exploration of a specific topic. So if you’re talking about email marketing this week, don’t just post one post about that. Post six or seven or 10 articles covering the topic.

Seems like a lot, but not so much if you break it down into a list of topics and then break each topic into a list of main ideas with you then write a couple supporting sentences for.

What else can you do to differentiate your blog posts? My best advice is to include different types of media to reach different learners.

So if today’s blog post on email newsletter publishing talks about how you can set up a product to sell right from your email newsletter platform such as aweber, then don’t just post a five tip or seven tip article.

Instead also make a video tutorial. If you dictate the same exact article, that’s okay. You’re not going to get search engine penalized for something like that.

You can even go a step further with your visuals. If you’re doing a how to, take screenshots that walk your readers through each step.

So if you’re inside the aweber platform and you’re trying to let people know the basics of setting up a product to sell there, screenshot your way through. Block out all personal information that relates to your account, then turn into JPEG files that you can share on your blog.

So the one blog post that has a very organized article telling people how to set up digital products to sell via their email newsletter platform, and then also publishes a video on the same topic, and then finally publishes a series of instructional images or a pictorial to further clarify meaning, will really outdo any other blog posts on the same topic that only post a video or only post an article, or do post a couple of those but the details don’t really specify as well as they could.