How to Be a Food Blogger Cooking Up Profits Like Crazy

You hear about food bloggers making mad money online all the time, but how do they do it? Being a successful content sharer isn’t about posting a recipe on Facebook every once in a while if the whim grabs you. It’s the same as growing ANY business, but this one is web- and content-based. You need content. You need branding. You need to show up in ALL the be-seen places. And you need a formula to follow that will consistently bring signups and sales.

Formula for Posting Cooking Content to Grow Your Audience and Create Passive Income

Step 1 is to prepare the content including the written recipe, any tips you want to share, and gather some really nice images.

Step 2. Make the video. It can be your own video of yourself cooking. Or it could be a video slide show of the recipe. Or it could be a short video with the ingredient list popping up on screen with a picture of the food.

Step 3. Make the content into a blog post…

  • Optimize the title so that people who are looking for this particular recipe will find it.
  • Add your descriptive copy.
  • Add your recipe with ingredients and instructions.
  • Feature your main image. Add any additional images you would like.
  • Add your keyword tags just like if you were hashtagging a social media post but this is a blog.
  • Then take your video and grab the embed code. Pick a good spot in the blog post. Add a title with an H2 headline and beneath that flip to the code side and paste in the video code to embed.
  • Check all the content to make sure your post looks exactly the way you want it to.
  • Add your author bio and call to action at the bottom.
  • Make sure that you have a sign-up form somewhere on the page, and or a pop up form for people to join your list.
  • Publish.

Step 4. Grab the actual link that goes to the blog post. Type a couple of sentences into a new social media post about what the recipe is. Paste the link into the post. Hashtag it with the proper keywords and publish.

Step 5. Share the link to your blog post on any cooking groups you belong to.

If you haven’t already started, plan a recipe book that you can sell. Or a membership that people can join for a price. Or something else, maybe cooking

The videos themselves you can definitely monetize.

And there are other things you can do such as add Amazon links to your blog post so that people who are interested in exciting cooking gadgets can click through and make a purchase.

If they do, you will get paid a small amount from Amazon when you make a commission.

The bigger the audience, the more the small amounts add up!

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