In-Depth Amember Course is Coming!

Hey, want to know how to sell done-for-you content online? This is for my writers and designers looking to build passive income from their craft! 

I have a fantastic amember course coming up for you. This goes deep into the technical details of how to set up and start selling your writing and digital design templates as a product using a database called Amember. 

You’ve probably heard about selling printables and done for you content on Etsy, and this is certainly an option.

But having a home base and a database filled with content that you can grow your list, run sales any time you want, there’s nothing like it. 

I learned Amember the hard way and the long way… by making mistakes and messing up. But you don’t have to! 

This course will teach the logistics of: 

✅Creating the content

✅Setting it up as a product

✅Building a sales page where your customers can order

✅Following up with great deals and offers

✅Executing the order process with an automated system for a hands off user experience 

✅Running your membership from any computer in the world on your own time at your own pace. 

This is a great business model for digital creators that has brought me great satisfaction. 

It’s given my customers the opportunity to use #doneforyoudigitalproducts and content in their businesses any way they like. 

I’m halfway through creating this course and you are going to love it! It might even change your life. If you’re a freelancer, it will definitely change how you do business online.

Use this form to sign up and hear when the Amember course is ready! 

I can’t wait to share with you everything I have learned.