Limited License Stress PLR from Piggy Makes Bank

Happy day, niche marketers! Limited license PLR seems to be the chatter lately. I first heard about this from Tiffany Lambert and some of the other content sellers who work off Warrior Plus.

I really like the idea of limiting the number of buyers of a particular content package. 

Of course, the answer if you want your content to be unique to your website and you don’t want to write it yourself, is to pay top dollar for a copywriter.

That’s my background and if anybody ever needed that, I’d be happy to oblige for the right price.

But that’s a side note. The fact is that limited license PLR content is coming around to our corner of the web. It’s a great opportunity to stand out with fresh words.

Piggy Makes Bank girls Tracy and Susanne I have just released a limited license pack of stress articles.

This advice they have included in the articles goes right along with what I would put in my own articles if I wrote them. I love it!

If you would like to use this content in your own publishing tasks, it’s limited to a supply of 50 licenses and then they’re going to take it off the shelf.

Check out the Piggy Makes Bank Stress Relief limited license PLR articles here