NEW! Quarterly Planning Challenge PLR from Piggy Makes Bank

Hi there! If you’re a business coach committed to your clients’ success, then quarterly planning will be a topic to tackle in the name of growth and success.

I have some fantastic business-building PLR from Piggy Makes Bank here for you on the topic. This is a jumbo sized content package. You’ll have everything you need to set this up as a paid product. I also want to remind you that even if you don’t sell this as yours this year, the information is amazing to learn from. Instead of paying for a course, you buy this and then you get to profit by paying the content forward and selling as yours.

What’s inside? 30 Articles, 30 Emails, eBook Compilation, 30 Social Media Posts, plus their handy “How to Run an Email Challenge” Guide, eBook/Workbook

The regular price of this is $87. That’s a steal if you’re used to paying top dollar to copywriters. But if you’re savvy to the PLR game, then you know that content creators often run sales. Piggy puts this at $47 with their Coupon Code for $40 Off. Type in QUARTER at checkout for your discount. Offer ends soon, so hurry and grab this.

Go here to learn more about the Quarterly Planning Challenge PLR Package from Piggy Makes Bank