TikTok Marketing Influencer Rachel Pedersen’s NEW Book Unfiltered Just Went Live on Amazon

Rachel Pedersen is THAT freelancer. The one you heard about. The one who ushered in the new-age gig economy with her rebel-rousing TikTok persona, and more than a little bit of smarts and sass.

She’s the freelancer who rose to fame during quarantine, slipping into her current role as the go-to authority on TikTok marketing and content sharing, and on social media marketing in general.

Formerly a single mom living paycheck to paycheck with a hair stylist background and no marketing experience, today Rachel exemplifies the self-made career woman. She is a top-grossing freelancer, consummate professional and model of success.

The income leaps and forward momentum that Rachel Pedersen has created in her freelance career now has her living a blessed life… but not one that she was handed… a life that she has carved out for herself and works hard to maintain.

Traveling the world, settling into her family’s dream home, showing up as an expert guest on major media outlets. Breaking rules, turning heads and still managing to expertly serve clients while actively schooling marketing students in her proven methods of success. These are these are the bold business and life moves that you’ll find Rachel involved with today.

All this, with her business partner husband sharing responsibilities of juggling home and career life… family members who work in the business, and three beautiful children along for the adventure.

The three-times post-pregnancy belly that she bravely bared on TikTok now graces the cover of her brand new book titled Rachel Pedersen Unfiltered: Proven Strategies to Start and Grow Your Business by Not Following the Rules. 

Rachel’s book, a veritable entrepreneur’s bedside bible, just hit the Amazon shelves to the excitement of her captivated social media audience.

Rachel and team are offering a bonus gift for the first buyers to grab their copies.

Meanwhile, Rachel’s TikTok marketing group on Facebook keeps entrepreneurs hooked. Daily she serves eager users clamoring for tips to drive targeted traffic to their TikTok channel, build their brand, get more views and comments and especially, increase their business revenue.

In addition to being the go-to authority on running your TikToks like a boss and feeding all the right content to the algorithm gods, Rachel meets the needs of the burgeoning gig economy with her fresh take on how to build a thriving freelance career on the web.

After the world turned upside down during the quarantine of 2020 and 2021, Rachel emerged with her own foolproof formulas to help freelancers and social media managers drive profits using her advice as their blueprint for future success.

Rachel also has a message for interested buyers of her new book:

If you are one of the early birds who orders Rachel’s book from Amazon or Barnes & Noble by Sunday, you get a SUPER bonus pack valued at $197 (it’s more like $997 tbh) to help you:

  • Market your business
  • Build a business that you LOVE Be your TRUE self in marketing
  • Generate more sales by breaking all the rules

To get that powerful bonus:

1 Simply pre-order one (or more) copies from Amazon or Barnes and Noble BY SUNDAY!

2 Send us your receipt at preorder@rachelpedersen.com.

In the next few months, Rachel’s team will send you the bonus gift!

Get your copy of Rachel’s epic new book, Unfiltered, before it sells out!