Website Project Planner is a Must for Your Client Toolkit

Does September bring you a burst of fresh productivity in your web design business?

Back to school means back to business. Expect a surge in requests for website launches if you work as a business coach, VA or marketing consultant.

Does your client onboarding process need freshening? Do you even have one? Lots of us write emails from scratch and start every project from zero.

This could be the year that you systemize the process. Lynette Chandler has created some Website Project Planner content for you to do exactly this.

Lynette combines tech savvy with marketing prowess, smooth copywriting and gorgeous professional designs.

​​​​​​​This web project planner will reflect so nicely on your company with the utmost professionalism. And you can even pick up resell rights!

The early bird pricing on her Website Project Planner kit brings this to just $23. If you pick it up, maybe I will too! I do occasionally create websites for clients but only on a limited basis. 

Go here to see what you get in Lynette’s latest client ready project kit. Take advantage of the intro price while it’s good!
Dina at Wordfeeder PLR