Why Publish Downsizing Your Life Articles?

Why Share About Downsizing Your Life?

Hello, publisher friend! Here at Wordfeeder we have some good, solid advice for you to share that helps people learn the how and why of downsizing their life.

How can you publish these Downsize Your Life articles ?

  • Turn into an ebook. Offer it as a lead magnet. Present to clients. Or even sell for an affordable price point.
  • Copy and paste into a series of emails that teaches people how to downsize their lives for more joy, less expense more simplicity
  • Publish the articles one by one on your blog. At the end of each post, invite people to sign up for your list and exchange for the full ebook. Set it up to download automatically from a link that goes out by email.
  • Copy and paste the articles onto your social media pages and groups. Or you can just copy a blurb with a read more link and hashtags to drive traffic
  • Host a Downsize Your Life workshop, virtually or in person to help people who are struggling
  • Use these articles as a springboard for your new downsize your life blog. You need to get a domain first and set it all up though, so better hurry

How does it benefit you to share this advice?

As mentioned, the change in economy has given many people a new perspective. Some are anxious to re-engineer how they live and where their time and money goes.

Maybe they want to offload things they don’t need, or even sell their home and move to a smaller place in the interest of simplifying and saving money.

Getting started and making a plan is the hard part. That’s where this advice comes in.

You’ll notice that on social media, there are more homesteading bloggers showing up teaching ways of the old world that will help us live better today.

Quarantine changed things for many families. If you have worked from home since the early 2000s like I have, then this seems normal to you.

But for many, the gig economy balanced with a downsized life, is brand new and scary.

If you’re like me, a work from home warrior, this is our time to pass along our gained knowledge, survival skills and wisdom.

More about who you’ll attract with this minimalist living content:

With these high quality, expertly written articles , you can help your readers move into and accept the shift into simple living.

  • Instead of feeling scared, or dwelling in lack, your readers might look forward to reducing clutter, clearing away excess, downsizing and uncomplicating it all.
  • Many people are ready to kiss goodbye their fast-paced lifestyle of burning gasoline, over booking, eating pricey lunches out and donning expensive work clothes on the daily.
  • People also crave a way to turn off the constant alerts and updates and just get back to the present moment. Making things with their hands. Being creative. Having a clean and organized space to work from.
  • Home base should be cleared of the non-essentials, well stocked and well appointed, and sized just right for your needs.

What will they learn? What can you teach them?

  • Less means more! What a funny thing. Taking a deep breath to release what does not serve us.
  • Making simple, nourishing meals, cutting the budget, clearing away excess including material goods, an overpacked calendar, overachieving tendencies.
  • Shifting into practical and humble living. Looking for the bargain. Seeking out ways to save. Saying no to what does not hold value. These are all coming back into style.

About the Articles: This Downsize Your Life Content  is On Trend and On Time

At Wordfeeder we created this set of articles to help people master the art of downsizing in life. Simplicity is beautiful, and it’s back in style.

Just go on YouTube. You’ll see so many sharing hearty, home cooked recipes,  money saving suggestions, DIY projects, frugal life hacks and all of the wholesome and uncomplicated things of an earlier time.

The art of simplicity is what we have for you with the Downsize Your Life articles, available this month with our February life coaching article set.

You can’t get content like this with private label rights anywhere else. A full pack with more than 7,000 words is waiting for you to present!

Our articles can be made into blog post, monetized with Amazon links and adsense, turned into ebook opt in gifts, and worked into courses, classes and challenges.

You can edit them, brand them and change them any way you like. I recommend making something in Canva with these articles as the basis for your creation. It will be gorgeous, and customized for your business.

Go here to read all of the titles, take a gander at a writing sample and order now.