Apology to My PLR Monthly Membership Customers

Dear customers of Wordfeeder PLR,

I want to apologize. I went through some major life transitioning while running this PLR membership. Then came quarantine. I was literally holding on by a thread. I don’t even know how I wrote all of this content. Because of that, it took me longer to catch up with understanding how the monthly payments work.

Some customers have emailed about us “taking payments” from them. I do not “take payments”. In fact, from my end, I get emails from PayPal telling me that you have renewed your monthly membership. So every time I was seeing those, I thought my customers had renewed on their own and were HAPPY!

Now I learn that customers don’t have control over this. PayPal has made quite a process of cancelling the monthly memberships on your end AND mine. So I’m wondering if you would like a different option.

I just learned that I can set up the monthly membership as ONE monthly payment which cancels after 30 days. I then invoice you and ask if you’d like to sign up again, each month. *I think*. Would you prefer that? I have to read how to do this properly first. But maybe I’ll switch to that method. Please email me at dina@wordfeeder.com and let me know.

Okay – here’s the live content for JUNE’s Business PLR Monthly Membership.

The topic is Time-Saving Tech Tips for Your Online Business – PLR Articles – 14 Total or 8K words.

Download your file here.  <—this link will become active if you’ve signed up as a Business PLR Monthly Member.

Your content is available from the top menu each time you log in.

Don’t miss your free articles- they’re under the FREE PLR tab. If you have any trouble with access, contact dina@wordfeeder.com. Or you can retry the order form here.

You can also order this pack ala carte. The $20 off coupon is JUNEPLR2022. Here’s the product page.

I appreciate your support of my freelance business. I wish you the best of success!
Dina at Wordfeeder PLR