What’s it like inside your marketing mind?

What’s it like inside your marketing mind?

Quick question for you. What is your reaction when high-trust marketers come at you with a new name that you’ve never heard of and recommend that you go buy their stuff?

I’ll tell you what I think instantly. I think “who the heck is that?” I don’t know what kind of brain I have. It doesn’t actually mean anything when I think that. But that’s my true, knee-jerk reaction. 

My knee-jerk response is that I don’t know someone, so I’m not running over to their website to go and stock up.

I didn’t say never. I might buy from them. But I’m not going to run. I’ll walk slow.

If you keep mentioning the name of the person I will likely warm up. Do you share this mindset with me? I know some of your customers must think like this also.

You would probably have to mention someone new at least seven times, affirming the seven points of contact before the sale theory, before I buy or sign up.

What about you? When someone you know recommends a stranger, do you instantly warm up to that person? Or does it take time and repeat exposure?

What about a person you never buy from “for no reason?” For me personally, someone who has earned the greatest reputation in their niche could recommend someone, and if I don’t get around to buy from them it’s possible I never will.

I might be habitual that way. I have certain things that I always do and certain things that I never do.

I support one gas station owner around my town. Occasionally I’ll go to the other one out of necessity. Why? I don’t know. They’re just my preference.

I’m just being honest. Some people don’t like my honesty and some people think they can change my mind. I’m not sure what can change my mind. Probably experience. I think experience is definitely the biggest factor for me personally.

What about you?

What about a new marketer who is really showing up with some great looking product? For me that’s definitely an incentive to take a closer look and maybe sign up.

But I have to kind of really dig deep and look at that person and what they’re up to before I’m at the other side where I become a die-hard fan.

And it does happen. When I “discover” someone and watch their moves and decide they are amazing, that’s it. All of a sudden I’m a raving fan… and yes I will recommend them to everyone.

What are your emotions and reactions to new faces on the marketing scene? 

Are you likely to partner up quickly? 

How many interactions does it take? 

Does a recommendation from a well-trusted expert increase your likelihood of taking a chance on that person?

I would say yes. But I wanted to get your reaction. 

Maybe you could create a blog post from these thoughts! We can keep the momentum going and get some content out there today.

You could even turn around and pose this question to your list, but word it in your own way.

Have a great Friday!

Oh and ps, check out the new website offerings at Wordfeeder.com

Business PLR monthly content is now live. The topic is Time-Saving Tech Tips for your Online Business.

Coming up close on its heels will be the life coaching PLR monthly deliverable. I received some amazing content about the Value of Your Time from my wellness writer, Mary. 

She is a true student of life and lover of learning. I am so happy with the content she’s providing for my coaches to use on their websites, with clients, and in their digital product creation.

In fact I’m enthralled! This content is so good. I can’t wait for you to read it.

It’s really important to me to pass on high value information to you and in turn to your audience.

Have an amazing weekend!

Dina at Wordfeeder PLR