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Free Brainstorm for Coaches: 99 Problems for Coaches to Solve

Free Brainstorm for Coaches: 99 Problems for Coaches to Solve

EVERY coach should design their programs and learning materials around common problems people experience.

Each time you identify a SPECIFIC problem that your readers would likely need help from a coach to solve, you've got the basis for your next brilliant coaching program!

Steps to take when tackling your clients' problems:

  1. Write out (or purchase) a series of articles that go DEEP to solve ONE of the problems.

    Turn the content you create into the following, by editing and repurposing it in a variety of ways:

    • A client workbook or ebook
    • A pictorial series (if appropriate)
    • A set of blog posts
    • A series of emails (set up an an autoresponder)
    • Customized client materials
    • The basis for your next recorded lecture (could be on video, or a podcast audio)
    • Video slide shows on YouTube or TikTok
    • A journaling challenge workbook, or hosted on your social media group
    • A short lead magnet to pitch the paid digital products you've created
    • Anything else you can think of!

Download the ultimate list of 99 common client problems for you to help solve with your programs, products and memberships, right now.

What types of coaches can benefit from having 99 problems to create solutions for, and make profit-generating coaching materials from?

Use the 99 Problems swipe file to focus on creating themed months, email challenges, ebooks, and group coaching programs that hone in on specific problems your readers need help with.

Sign Up for 99 Problems for Coaches to Help Solve, Now

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