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Hey, Smart Coach: Do You Want to Help People Solve Problems?

We've got the ultimate list of 99 common client problems for you to help solve with your programs, products and memberships.

Free "99 Problems for Coaches to Solve" with PLR Membership

You're smart, because you know that you don't have to do all the writing and product creation work yourself.

At Wordfeeder, we give you brilliant content shortcuts to speed you along to quicker, better product launches, and stronger learning materials that help people succeed, solve their problems and be happy!

Our latest Smart Coach Freebie is called 99 Problems.

EVERY coach should design their programs and learning materials around common problems people experience.

Use this swipe file to help you focus on creating themed months, email challenges, ebooks, and group coaching programs that hone in on specific problems your readers need help with.

Sign up for Wordfeeder's Basic PLR Membership Right Now.

The "99 Problems" brainstorm is a gift that you'll receive with your paid monthly membership. Any time you need to download it again, just log in. Look up in the top menu under Smart Coach Resources. You'll find this, along with other useful tools and tutorials!

Sign Up for our Smart Coach Monthly PLR Membership here!

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Sample the FREE articles from the FREE PLR area at the top once you log in. Try publishing one or two of the articles on your blog. Make a quick ebook and set it up as an opt-in freebie!

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