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Blogging For Dollars Q&A: How Do You Make Passive Income with a Blog?

Passive Income with a Blog

There's a lot of confusion about blogging, what it is and how you can use blogs to create passive income. Let's clear this up. Blog = website. Blog once meant online diary, more or less. Now, a "blog" is basically the CMS (content management system) that you use to log in and post content online.

WordPress and SquareSpace are two popular blogging platforms that website owners use to self-manage content they post online. People post to their blog (website) the same exact way they log in and share content on social media. It's really not much different at all.

How do bloggers make money?

Bloggers earn money by setting up a number of automated passive income sources on their blogs. Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, native ads, paid advertising, memberships, online courses, and information products are just a few ways to make money that routes into your PayPal account in varying amounts.

Should you blog about a specific niche, or should you cover several niches?

If you plan to be a one-(wo)man blogging show, then you'll only have so much time in a day to write and publish blog posts. This means that the more specific and specialized the content is on your blog, the easier it will be to get found. So for example, if you're a cooking blogger, blogging about Thanksgiving Dessert Recipes will help your blog get found more easily than if you put a whole bunch of cooking-related categories on your blog.

If you have a way to post high volumes of content on your blog, then it'll be easier to get found within a number of categories. So, your blog's topic categories could be more broad; for example, you might blog about Holiday Meals and then cover topics such as Appetizers, Soups, Salads, Meat Dishes, Starch Sides, Vegetables, Holiday Cookies and Holiday Desserts. You could even sub-categorize by breaking things down into each holiday, i.e. Easter, Christmas, Passover, Chanukkah, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so forth.

Your best bet for getting lots of content onto your blog in a short amount of time is to buy some or all of the content in article packs and have a VA or admin person of some type post it all at once and then schedule each post for a specific date.

What different forms of content should you publish on your blog?

Post any type of content that will help readers learn and understand. This includes articles, images, infographics, Q&A content, video, podcasts, and anything else you can think of.

Where should your blog content come from?

Your blog posts can be original articles that you wrote. They can be guest articles that someone else wrote. They could be PLR (private label rights) articles that you purchased and edited. They can be snippets of articles from other websites with a link to read more.

What types of info products can you sell on your blog?

Anything that people are desperate to know more about can be turned into an info product that your readers would be likely to pay money for. So, that means anything that someone would be frantically Googling in search of a solution to. It could be anything from how to hang Christmas lights without falling off the roof, how to heal acne scars, how to lose 40 lbs. in a month by low-carb dieting, how to get your kids to listen better, or anything else that someone might be intensely curious about.

How do make people want to buy things via your blog?

Most people don't just randomly buy info products from a random blogger who they've never heard of. But they do buy after being on someone's mailing list and hearing from them repeatedly for some time. Of course, this is not true for every person. But it is true that the more you post and the more you connect with your readers via email and social media, the more they'll grow to trust you and be likely to buy.

How do you get people to sign up for your list?

The best way to get folks on your list is to offer freebies. Of course, you might think that people would only be signing up to get the free item, and for some that may be true. But for a whole lot of other people on the web, it's understood that a freebie is the perfect way to sample whatever it is that someone's selling on their site. And in fact, if you don't offer something in the way of a free gift, they might feel that you're not worth giving a chance. So DO create something simple and meaningful that people would feel compelled to give up their email address in exchange for.

With so much low priced, pre-written content available on the web, it's easy to put all of these aspects of website and blog marketing on autopilot. This includes creating info products both to sell and give away, setting up autoresponder courses on your blog that people pay for, creating memberships that give people access to products and services of yours for one monthly fee, making video tutorials for free and as paid products, and lots more possibilities.

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Blogging for Profits PLR Articles

Blogging for Profits PLR Articles

Blogging for Profits PLR Articles

You get to sell this set of articles as your own digital product, and offer personal use rights to the person who buys it from you.

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RULES: Edit, brand, copy, cut, paste, add to and change this any way you like. Do not publish originator's name. Do not resell as PLR. You may offer personal rights to your customers.


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