Must-Know Tips for Writing Your About Page: Increase Confidence in Your Personal Brand and Expertise
Stuck on writing your About Page or Website Bio? This is Dina from Wordfeeder PLR (no, that is not me in the picture obviously - just thought this fella looked busy and cute :)).
I've written institutional content for both corporate and web based enterprises since 1996.
I wanted to offer you some help and advice for creating a killer About page that will get people on your list in a heartbeat.
This morning I saw a woman on social media talking about how difficult it is to write your About page. I know that a lot of entrepreneurs get stuck on this part of their website development. But I'm telling you, as important as it is to look and sound professional in your About page, it's also just as important if not more, to at least GET SOMETHING UP THERE.
What do people expect to read about when they visit your About page? Mainly they want to know if they can trust you -- not only as an expert, but as a decent human being.
What do YOU do when you come across someone new online whose products interest you? Go straight to the About page, right? Just a quick glance reveals what you hope to know. A few clues also let folks know that this is a real person and not an email harvester about to put you on a spam list.
Your About page conveys a ton in just a few short paragraphs. Now let me tell you the aspects of your About page that give people instant confidence in your ability to deliver high quality products:
A real photo of you. It doesn't have to be a perfect head shot, but if you have one, great. You can just as well put up a photo that a friend took of you looking busy in your workspace. If you're a web professional, maybe you're busy in your office (which you hopefully tidied up for the photo shoot!).
Or, perhaps it's a photo of you attending a conference or hosting a training course if that's what you do. A crafter might want to post a photo of themselves creating. Anything that shares your expertise is perfect for your About page photo.
Some compelling backstory. It doesn't need to be your life story. Your blog visitors don't have time for that, and in the back of their minds, they'll know to watch out for people who over-disclose anyway. So just sum up in a few sentences how you ended up here but be sure to highlight the juiciest bits.
Don't think that your first job as an ice cream scooper at a farm stand is irrelevant. It is, if it shaped the business you're in today. Plus everyone loves those blast-from-the-past glimpses into childhood because they paint a colorful picture of who you are as a person. Authenticity is a must when writing your About page or bio copy.
A brief, relevant career history. You don't have to include everything that's listed on your resume. But background experience and qualifications/certifications will assure your readers that you have the expertise required to help them or provide what they're searching for.
More Quick Tips for an About Page that Gets You Out Front
Perfectionism = Procrastination. Some people take a perfectionist attitude with their About page copy. Don't be a perfectionist. This is the number one cause of procrastination, and you NEED this information on your website. Because, like I said, it's the first thing people are likely to sneak a peek at after finding you online and becoming curious about your products or services.
Update on the fly. It's really easy to change your website copy over and over and over again, as the mood strikes. Lots of people seem to ignore this empowering aspect of website and blog development. If you don't care for the bio you posted last week, just update it this week!
I currently have a video on my About page. I was hoping that it would convey my authenticity. Maybe I'll remove it soon, I don't know. That's the beauty of being on the web… you can reinvent yourself as often as you like!
ywriting Questions Template to Help You Write Your About Page
I have a gift for you that will come in handy if you know you need to either create, or overhaul, your About page. It's the EXACT template of questions that I hand out to copywriting clients seeking my help with their About page writing project. You can have it!
Just grab your copy of the file after you hop on my mailing list. Download it to your computer, open the document, and get busy filling in the missing information. SO easy and helpful.
Sign up here to grab your free About Page / Bio Creation Template now:
From my entrepreneur's heart to yours... I wish you a productive, empowered, and profit-filled day!