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What is Passive Income?

What is Passive Income

(And How Can You Get a Low-Priced, High Value Passive Income Planner to Create Viable Income Streams for Your Online Business?)

Cheers to passive income! Now, how do you get it going?

Are you confused by the term "passive income?" I was for a long time. Why do so many people publish content on their blogs, share on social media, make online videos, and keep an email list that they communicate with regularly? Is it because of passive income?

Of course it is. The entire "way of the web" is passive. This is what most people miss about being online, and running a blog or website. They miss the opportunity to open up channels that allow income to flow their way, in small increments that add up over time. This is the real "secret" to making money online.

One thing I've observed about passive income is that in order for it to work, there has to be a chain reaction which compounds the earnings. Basically this means that if I invest money to create a product, and then sell it to you, I make money.

Then you turn the product into something else that people want and need, and you make more money.

And what's also great about purchasing ONE product to turn into money, is that you don't just sell that product to one, or two, or ten people. You get folks to sign up for your list by providing something of value.

Then, when you launch a new product, a whole bunch of folks on your list pay a few dollars each, but the money adds up, and that translates to legit earnings.

Now that we have a better understanding of passive income, let's explore some different ways to direct the income to flow in your direction. You can do this with:

Pay Per Click Ads or Native Advertising.
Google Adsense is the most well-known PPC ad company, but there are others, like Ad Thrive, that are definitely seeing results.

Affiliate Income.
Affiliate income is a major way to boost your online income, for the aforementioned reasons. If you're wondering what type of affiliate earnings you can generate, that depends on your niche and what you're blogging about. But there's always a company that's selling something you can promote and link to. Amazon is an excellent one... but there are others.

Here are a few examples of what you can "sell" online, simply by sharing links and content:

Gardening: write about, and link to, things like seed growing kits, greenhouses, gardening tools, boots, hats, gardening books, gardening memberships, online courses, videos and ebooks.

Online business
: write about, and link to, other people's done-for-you content, tech related tools, web hosting, domains, email management services, and other things that people typically purchase when starting a business online.

So whatever niche you choose will have a ton of items to add to your website that will help you make money by way of list-building, blogging, sharing and promoting these items via email.

Passive Income PlannerIf you're serious about wanting to create wealth for yourself and your company online, then the first step is to make a passive income plan.

For today only, there's a great deal happening on the Passive Income Planner that will put you on the fast track to making money the online, "passive" way. It's from Coach Marketing Powerhouses Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold.

These talented and hardworking ladies serve more than 35,000 online coaches by creating beautiful, professional-quality, information-rich, content based products. You, too, can leverage their done-for-you content for quick and easy profits, and a powerful formula for turning your expertise into wealth while building your personal brand and following.

Their Passive Income Planner could be yours today if you'd like to offer this lesson to clients. Grab this content and make it work for you right now!

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