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Step by Step Original Online Course Creation Using PLR Content

(Pre-Written Content With Private Label Rights)

An ecourse is the perfect way to create passive income online, but there are definitely some necessary steps to doing it successfully.

STEP 1: Choose your selling platform.

Your first precursor to ecourse creation is knowing what platform you'll be selling on. If you've never done this before, go with a site like e-junkie.com or Gumroad, either of which allows you to set up a PDF file that automatically sends out after payment is received.

If you already have a membership (on aMember, for example) that your signups belong to, then you've got it easy when it comes to creating and selling ecourses. This is what you paid to use the membership for, so give your readers what they want!

aMember and other sites like it make it super simple to set up an ecourse by plugging information into the right places. For example, you can start by creating a product, which of course is going to be associated with a file (or multiple files) that the end user receives after they make an online payment and sign up.

The information product (either an ebook, or an autoresponder how-to series) will be accessible via an email that automatically sends out after their payment processes. Plus, with a member site, users get the added benefit of being able to log into their member area and access the file again and again, as needed.

Once you're clear on what platform you'll be selling from, the next step is creating the actual information product. The easiest products to create are ebooks and autoresponder ecourses, provided that you have autoresponder email capabilities.

STEP 2: Write or obtain the informational contents of your ebook or e-course.

To briefly sum up ebook creation, just open an MS Word document and begin typing.

Of course, it's a lot easier if you don't have to write the ebook from scratch. AND, it's a lot more economical not to have to lay out money for ghostwriters and editors.

This is where private label rights content comes in. If you're a regular purchaser of PLR, then you probably have some good articles stored on your computer, ready to plug into an ebook.

So, for the initial decision on what to write your ebook about, take a look at the content sitting on your hard drive. With any luck, you've amassed a collection intending to pique your readers' curiosity - so the content is already target to the right people.

Go through your content collection and find the common ground. Do you have a whole bunch of content that covers natural remedies? It could be benefits of garlic, ways to use cranberries for health, tips for fighting diabetes naturally, and topics like this. Your ebook can easily become natural health tips.

Wrap this concept around an emotion, and you've got an ebook in the making. It could be "Natural Ways to Fight Chronic Disease," or maybe it's "Natural Remedies to Increase Your Energy, Improve Your Mood and Help You Become Your Healthiest". You want your ebook's title to inspire your reader, so write in superlatives if at all possible.

Once you've settled on a topic for your ecourse/ebook, it's time to hammer out chapters. Again, using your existing content as a starting point, create working titles for each chapter, section within the chapter, and then list of articles within the section. It's okay if the titles aren't perfect; you can go back and finesse them later.

Now that your outline is in place, speed things along by tackling your ebook one chapter at a time, using your existing content to fill up each article and section. After you've placed your content, you should go back and review everything to be sure it flows like an ebook. Include things like introductory paragraphs, step-by-step instructions, charts and graphs, sidebar information, and other professional elements designed to foster understanding.

Continue this process until all the content that you planned to use has been placed in the ebook. If you need to beef up your ebook with more info, shop for more related articles on Wordfeeder PLR and other sites like it. Continue adding content, editing as necessary.

When finished, do a thorough read-through, editing as needed. When you're mostly satisfied with the quality, quantity and flow of information in your ebook, you should then do several proofreading rounds to be sure there aren't any careless errors or typos.

STEP 3: Add images, styling and branding.

You don't have to include images in your ebook, but if you do you're more likely to be viewed as a professional. Plus, people are drawn to images, and the ones you choose can also serve as part of your marketing, which is really important because it's easy for people to become distracted on the internet. To find great images, check out Pexels.com. You can add text if you feel like it will enhance the reader's learning experience. Or, you can brand your business by adding your company name and headlines.

After all images are placed, style the headlines, subheads and body text in fonts that reflect your brand. Add your signature branding throughout the ebook - including cover art, your company logo, head shots if appropriate, and an About the Author or About Our Company if it applies to the ebook you're planning to sell. Page numbers and a footer that includes your URL will also be helpful.

STEP 4: Final Review.

The final phase of your ebook's production should be a total read-through and critique of both the copy and design elements. At this point, it may sound like this is a sizable investment of your time and resources. But actually, you'll find that when you create an ebook from content that you purchased, the project will go quickly.

If you'd prefer to keep this content protected, then you should save your ebook document as a PDF file. Your buyers will be able to purchase the ebook and download the PDF file onto their computer immediately. Set this up either on your membership site, or through a site like e-junkie.com. Also set up a sales page using HTML, where your website visitors can click a BUY NOW button to purchase the ebook for immediate download.

STEP 5: Set it up as an autoresponder.

A final step in making this into an ecourse is to open up the MS Word document that you saved your ebook in, and paste sections of it into separate autoresponder emails timed in regular daily or weekly intervals - say, 10, 20 or even as many as 30 emails in a row if you want to host a month-long ecourse. Then, when people purchase the course, they can receive the info they ordered in small, incremental bits and bites. Perfect for your busy users, and a great way to keep your subscribers returning to your site to shop for other great information products.

STEP 6: Market it.

After your ebook and sales page is complete, it's time to switch gears and market it. If you've already got a sizable mailing list of subscribers, that's perfect. The more targeted buyers are already on your list, the more money you're likely to make on the ebook. Also, the more people are likely to buy means the less money you can charge for your ebook, which people will love.

Sending out an email announcement is the quickest and most direct way to make money on the ebook that you created. And if you're smart, you will have already made a "pre-launch" announcement letting people know that you've got a terrific new info product they may be interested in. So when it's time to officially launch, your readers will already be warmed up and excited to grab that new information that teaches them something they really want to know. Even better if you create instant need by announcing a limited time only sale price.

STEP 7: Cross promote.

After you make the announcement to your list, you can continue generating sales by talking about the ebook in your blog or website… sharing teaser tips on social media that lead to a Learn More and Purchase link, and basically spreading the news of your ebook anywhere that your ideal customer is likely to hang out. Don't forget sites like Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube as part of your ebook marketing effort.

So basically, that's how to create an ebook using PLR content. To try out a whole bunch of free PLR articles right now, sign up below and get a free article to test drive!


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