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Step-by-Step Essential Oils Ebook Creation

Health Coaches! Thinking about creating an ebook to sell on your site? This is a GREAT idea with tons of profit potential for you.

Online info product sales can work as a set-it-and-forget-it project... well, almost. Every once in a while you must check in to make sure everything is functioning correctly. But for the most part, once all the elements are in place for your ebook selling project, you can breathe a sigh of relief and go enjoy yourself!

Here at Wordfeeder, we have tons of done-for-you essential oils content. An ebook or online course would be awesome to share with your readers this season! Don't forget to include affiliate links to your favorite essential oils products if you plan to publish this. Do the whole project! Here's how:

  1. Use parts of this content to make blog posts. Add the images, and link to Amazon, DoTerra, or Young Living products.
  2. Share images and snippets on social media, to get more visits to your blog as well as signups.
  3. Create the ebook, set it up for sale, make a sales page, and link to it from your blog's side bar, individual posts, your Facebook pages and groups, and wherever else.
  4. Oh, and of course don't forget to email a heads-up to your subscribers, who are going to love all of these ideas on how to use essential oils to cure common ailments and health conditions.
  5. DON'T FORGET to publish disclaimers along with your health and wellness content! Very important. I include these each time I release a new essential oils content package with private label rights to brand and market as yours.

Yes... we have your next essential oils ebook, and it's already written and ready for your branding love!

Have you had a chance to pick up your download of our latest Essential Oils PLR Content? I've added 15 stock-free images to this package. Now there is simply NO excuse. You MUST make an ebook from this to sell! It is SO dang affordable.

Done-for-You Health Coaching Content Covering Essential Oils Healing Properties

To read the article titles and view screen shots of the actual written content and the 15 images, scan the "Essential Oils for What Ails You" PLR sales page right here.


Essential Oils for What Ails You PLR Content

Sell this as your own digital product, and offer personal use right to the person who buys it from you.

Order it to learn from, and /or share the information with the people on your list.
Learn what you get in this content package.

Or, check out now and make this set of articles yours.


Add Done-for-You Content to Your Collection Right Now.

Save countless hours and dollars thanks to our well-researched, expertly written or created PLR content!

This content purchase grants private label rights. Edit, publish as your own, sell or give away. Do not use our name or offer as PLR. This content is personal-rights use only.

You are mere minutes away from accessing this professional quality content download via email!

Buy Now opens up to a new window so you won't lose this one.


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