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Simple Steps to Creating an Essential Oils Ebook or E-Guide

What could you do with an E-Guide on Essential Oils? Tons of things...

...all of the above, and whatever else you can think of.

Here's how to quickly set up an ebook on essential oils:

  1. Place all of your Essential Oils PLR content into an easy-to-find folder on your computer.
  2. Gather some images that you have the rights to publish.
  3. Start a document in your fave word processing or publishing program.
  4. Open each document containing the oils content, and copy and paste the sections that you'd like to include in your ebook.
  5. Add an introduction and conclusion, chapter pages if you'd like to include them.
  6. Place images throughout.
  7. Add your branding including logo, website URL, about your company, etc.
  8. Add copyright notice and legal disclaimers.
  9. Add page numbers.
  10. Have a cover designed to use for the front page, with smaller versions of the file for any online promoting you'd like to do.

And that's it! Your beautiful and informative ebook on essential oils is complete, and ready to present to your tribe!

Want a Canva Essential Oils Recipe eGuide Template to Use as a Shortcut?

Download this beautiful, complete Canva template that includes written tips, recipes, essential oil images, Amazon links, and an MS Word doc to copy and paste the content into emails or social posts.

>>Explore the Essential Oils Recipe Book Package in Canva now


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