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Hey, bloggers! Do you love FREE and low-cost content that's already written for you?

Want to work far fewer hours, yet make rapid advances toward six figures this year?

Face it, you CAN'T hit your money mark if you're constantly chasing new business, then putting in exhausting hours trying to convince potential clients to pay steep hourly rates. There's a FAR easier way to work that will deliver lively, affordable solutions that your fans and followers will happily jump for. NO need for binding contracts, or having to go after late payers EVER AGAIN.

Instead, let me tell you what to do to revolutionize and bring your outdated coaching biz up to speed right away:

1. Start creating your own information products to sell online. NO slaving over the writing yourself. We have done-for-you, pre-researched, prewritten content that you can pop in, edit, change and brand however you like!

2. Collect lots of free and low-cost, high quality articles to use in your blog posts, ebook creation, online courses that you brand under your own name, and much more. (I have a ton of free and low-cost, done-for-you content for you at Wordfeeder.com!)

3. Set up easy automated email courses, and ebooks that download automatically when people pay online. Consider making your site into a monthly membership. Invest in the software... it's totally worth it!

4. Start collecting new subscribers to your list. You know those sign-up boxes that smart marketers have on their sites? You need one of those, too! Join Aweber, or another site like it, for the simplest and most effective tools for managing your mailing lists.

5. Create FREE info product gifts for your readers to download once they sign up for your list. People willingly become email subscribers in exchange for free goodies.

6. Teach and preach to your peeps via email EVERY day. Give plenty of upsells to your VERY affordable products and online courses that will totally eliminate the need for you to hunt down new clients and agonize over all those details.

Get on My List... I've Got Goodies for You!

Just think... you can experiment with building and promoting a teaching course, ebook, or video series on any topic that your heart desires. And if you need help finding out what your potential customers are busy searching online for these days... then you'll want to get on MY mailing list, where I share all the details on the hottest content topics going!.

Thank for for reading this. I wish you great success and prosperity in 2019 and beyond. Sign up for a FREE membership and TEST DRIVE our prewritten articles immediately by signing up using the button below...

OH! And I almost forgot! I've got a really nice, well-written e-guide for you to learn from and get your head on straight about online business and internet selling right now:

"How to Grow a Profitable Online Business By Publishing Articles"- for instant download when you sign up.

STEP 1. Read it!


Sign up for a Basic Wordfeeder PLR membership here.

Oh, and please use an email address that you check daily yet where I will not be interrupting your daily workflow. I want you to be HAPPY to find our mails in your inbox. :)


You are not longer required to sign up for a basic membership to order a product. If you find an error in any form, please email dina @ wordfeeder . com. no spaces. Thank you.