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Stress Relief PLR - Done-for-You Social Media Posts with Keyword Research

22 Ways to Ease Stress for a Good Night's Rest PLR Social Blurbs

Stress relief is a perennial favorite topic for the health, wellness, home and family and self improvement audiences.

Do you address stress with your clients and followers on a routine basis? You really should. No one is immune!

Let me whip out a quick peek at keyword search terms.

How many people searched for stress relief this month? 110,000 searches on that phrase, "stress relief" - in 30 days!  

Stress is only getting more intense for everyone due to recent developments in society. Many big corporations are now finally hooked up to the internet. Seems good, right? Maybe not because having to always log into everything and type into forms and retrieve lost passwords only brings more stress for all of us.

Example, I walked into my bank and they asked me to give them my phone number so they could email me a link to put me in the queue of waiting customers. I find this stressful. I showed up in person at the bank to get away from electronics, not have my nose buried in my phone while I'm walking and clicking. 

Next time I went to the bank, I "forgot my phone." Whoops!

I find overuse of tech to be stressful, though many haven't made the connection. It all boils down to a low level of constant aggravation. Neck cramps, stiff muscles, eye strain, a headache coming on, general impatience and ongoing distraction. A sense of not being present and in the moment, which is so important for mental health. Not cool.

We face many other sources of stress - such as overbooking, overdoing and complicating everything... trying to tackle a too-big to-do list... dealing with all kinds of personalities both online and in person.  

THIS is why people need guidance from coaches and experts like you on how to mitigate and relieve stress. They need reminders, tips and advice. They also need permission to just be themselves, be imperfect, roll with it, breathe. To stop trying to do and be it all.

I have a series of 22 Ways to Relieve Stress for you to put your name on and publish. It includes private label rights. This is done-for-you social media content!

If you visit that page now, you'll see my screen shot of the keyword research I did on "stress relief." Feel free to do your own keyword homework to find unique keywords to use when you publish an edited version of this content as your own!

How to use this content to help people, grow your influence and create profits?

Edit or expand on the thoughts. Make an opt-in gift download. You can include your product links there, too!

This content even comes with images! You have lots of options for putting this content to use and helping people by sharing the ideas.

Not only that, but if you want to do a whole stress publishing theme and offer a course, or an email challenge, or hit hard with the stress topic on your blog, I've put more great content along the same theme on the signup form.

You'll see it when you check out. The code is good for THREE times usage, so that's a nice opportunity to dominate the niche and make this into profits for you!

Bgrab this stress relief content like your readers want it! And 110,000 monthly searches on "stress relief" say YES... they really do.

Go here to learn more and order


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