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Free Cookie Recipes PLR

Free Cookie Recipes PLR

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Taste-Test Our Content! Wordfeeder Cooking PLR

Hi, busy food bloggers! Are you hungry for done-for-you cooking content that you can whip up into ebooks, blog posts, newsletter content, recipe videos and more?

Wordfeeder is the SOURCE for the highest quality PLR recipes around! There's SO much to cook and eat, especially in the coronavirus quarantine (but always, really -- I mean, who isn't looking for new recipes to try out?)

We're serving up 5 FREE cookie recipes today... can be for the holidays, can be just for something to bake and fill your belly over the long winter!

Will your cooking blog be getting clicks, signups and sales this holiday season?

It definitely will great recipes like these on your side. Add your own images... they're perfect for sharing as blog posts and then posting the links on social media. Just pop in the intro, add a compelling image, and share the link to your blog post where people can read more and sign up for your list.

What can you do with PLR cooking Content? Make and sell recipe books... and so much more.

Create a little cash flow with ready-to-go recipe content on your side. Add some images and branding to this document, turn into a PDF and share it to get more people on your list. Or... put these up as four individual blog posts that you link to via social media. Get them looking and clicking! The more people on your list, the more you profit.

Another option is for Creative cooks to give away the ebook as a way to get more people to join your membership.

The recipe content we offer here is sold as PLR - Private Label Rights Content.

That means that you get to edit, change, brand, and publish them under your own name in the following ways:

The PLR Recipes that you receive from Wordfeeder will help you accomplish the above publishing goals and more!

Cookie Recipes - 5 Total

Need some recipes for cookies to share this fall and winter? Here's a taste-test of the content we offer here at Wordfeeder. This text-only content pack contains 5 recipes for popular cookies. With common ingredients and simple, easy-to-follow instructions.

Recipes include:

  1. Lemon Ricotta Cookies
  2. Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies with Almonds and Raisins
  3. Walnut Tassies
  4. Honey Balls
  5. Chocolate Mint Sandwich Cookies

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