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FREE Valentine's Day Articles When You Sign Up for Our Basic PLR Membership

Hi there from Dina at Wordfeeder PLR!

I'm Dina, and I've got a terrific PLR member site that I think you'll really benefit from joining. Each month, my writer friends and I research and write about the hottest and most useful trending topics that your blog and newsletter readers will want to read about.

Then, I upload the articles to the Wordfeeder member area, where you can purchase the private label publishing rights to put your name on them and use as your own.

I'm delighted to offer economical options for people who may be starting or managing an online business on a shoestring budget. The member site is the key!

So, are you ready to find your voice and become an authority in the blogging world?

Of course, if you enjoy blogging and running an online business as much as I do, then you're probably eager to develop your own unique voice, brand and following, just like I have. But guess what? I also know from experience that eventually all bloggers burn out from overwork. Where you ideas once flowed forth from a seemingly eternal mindspring, as you become more seasoned in your online career, you'll find that you're tapped out and just plain tired.

So, on those days when you just haven't got it in you to drive blog traffic, but you know the show must go on, is where private label rights content comes in. And Wordfeeder has plenty of that for you! Starting with our Valentine's Day articles that I personally wrote, and am offering you a "try before you buy," absolutely free.

There is NO obligation to purchase content on Wordfeeder's member site after you sample and publish your free articles. BUT, you may just decide that you LOVE the quality of information and writing that I deliver with each PLR pack.

What's included with our FREE Valentine's Day PLR Articles?

1,497 words, delivered in a single, MS Word document via email. Titles include:

  1. Why Do Some People Dislike Valentine's Day?
  2. A Brief, Speculative History of Valentine's Day
  3. Valentine's Day Today - Enduring Customs, Simple Gift Ideas
  4. What is Love - 4 Types of Love
  5. Which of the 4 Types of Love Make the Best Marriage?

Here's a writing sample

what to do with your free Valentine's DAy articles:

Offered with Private Label Rights

How to Access Your PLR Content:

Once your order processes, you will be asked to create a login.

Do this, then check your email for a confirmation, plus another email containing your delivery of the files. CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you don't see the email. Add Wordfeeder to your Safe Senders list.

If you have any questions or trouble with your download, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

THANKS for supporting our freelance businesses. CHEERS to you in yours!

If you'd like to grab these free articles AND your free pass to access ALL the free content available through Wordfeeder's member area, then simply drop your info into the sign-up form below.


You are not longer required to sign up for a basic membership to order a product. If you find an error in any form, please email dina @ wordfeeder . com. no spaces. Thank you.