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FREE Low-Carb and Ketogenic Dieting Content for Instant Download

When you sign up for a FREE Content Membership at Wordfeeder.com

Low-Carb and Keto Diet Publishers... Need awesome content for your blog, ebook creation, social media sharing and more? Wordfeeder routinely publishes low-carb articles and ketogenic dieting tips for your personal use. You can put your name on our content, brand it with your logo and images, and turn it into beautiful, high quality information products and resources for your own website members to learn from.

So far, we've released a few different, excellent quality low-carb and keto-diet content packages. You can see them right on this page. You can even order them for a very economical price, and get to publishing this beautiful done-for-you content ASAP.

Also, I'm scheduled to continue developing even MORE amazing ketogenic dieting articles and recipes in 2019. Weight loss and healthy eating season is now... so why not get a head start on your list-building effort?

FREE "Carb Counts of Commonly Eaten Foods" List to Share with Your REAders When You Sign Up for a Wordfeeder Content Membership

Here's a little gift that might come in handy if you publish information online for keto and low-carb diet readers. I did some homework because for the next low-carb content package I come up with, I'd like to offer some new recipes, and maybe some more articles. But one of the things that I'd like to have as a reference is carb counts. So I went and looked this up. This document I created is just bare bones, a list of commonly eaten foods with the carbohydrate counts for each. You could take the whole thing, turn it into an attractive info-graphic, and post it on your site using the keywords "carb counter" so people will find you and want to sign up for your list.

It's valuable keto diet research that's been DONE FOR YOU!


i'VE SET THIS UP TO AUTOMATICALLY SEND VIA EMAIL ONCE YOU SIGN UP FOR OUR MEMBERSHIP... with a promise of future delicious keto-friendly recipes to come! I know that on a low-carb diet, your goal is to not go over 20g of carbs per day. So hopefully this will help you and your readers create new and exciting recipes that fall within the acceptable range.

Thanks for being on my list! If you've not yet ordered, we have a fantastic, 30 Days of Ketogenic Dieting Tips and Low-Carb Lifestyle Articles on this page here.

Make it a terrific and profitable month!

Dina at Wordfeeder PLR


Ketogenic Diet, Facts and Stats:

Officially trending with Silicon Valley's Elite as of spring 2017... and it's not going away anytime soon!


Named one of the hottest health and wellness trends to watch for in 2017. A quick Google search brings up medical texts detailing ketogenic diet clinical trials and it's positive impact on metabolic and cardiovascular health.


Touted as a dieting alternative for diabetics and people who struggle with obesity.

How to Make Money Online Using Ketogenic Dieting Articles and Tips:

Offer a set of FREE keto recipes in exchange for email signups to your list. Your signups become customers who will buy more information products on this topic from you. (We have a starter pack of recipes for you to try... you'll see them in the checkout area if you opt to purchase this pack.)

Set up a private membership area on your site where people can either join for free or pay a low monthly subscription to receive information, recipes, encouragement, advice and support around the topic of low-carb dieting.

Make a professional-quality ebook and sell at an affordable price to thousands of eager buyers that you've collected and added to your publishing list.

Use portions of the content to make blog posts that entice people to sign up and learn more. Include your Amazon affiliate links to products that they can purchase after reading your blog post. Also include pay per click ads.

To get more traffic and eyes on your blog posts, pay for Facebook advertising exposure that directly targets keto and low-carb readers.

Paste segments of this and other keto content and recipes into social media posts that share your blog link and sign-up form for people to give up their email address and hear from you on a regular basis.

Set up an autoresponder series that teaches "30 Days of Ketogenic Diet Tips, Hints, and How-To" (or name it whatever you like!)

Publish a sales page that announces your breakthrough ketogenic diet e-guide or ecourse that arrives daily via email.

Turn the tips into videos that are hooked up to your PPC ad account. Each time a video is viewed, there's the possibility of getting paid via a click. (But please don't have the content read by one of those creepy computer voices... I can't stand those!) Hook your videos up for high-volume traffic on social media.

Ideas for What Products to Link to Via Your Blog:

How to Access Your FREE Carb Counts Document to Make into an Awesome Infographic Lead Magnet to Get More Signups

File delivery is a single  MS Word document, zipped and delivered via email. Once your order is processed, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your membership, and another email that contains the file/content you just paid for. Your file will also be available from the member area of our Wordfeeder website. So don't forget to put your login info in a safe place!

Instant delivery of an MS Word document via email.


private label rights uses

plr terms

How to Access Your PLR Content:

Once your order processes, you will be asked to create a login.

Do this, then check your email for a confirmation, plus another email containing your delivery of the files. CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you don't see the email. Add Wordfeeder to your Safe Senders list.

If you have any questions or trouble with your download, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

THANKS for supporting our freelance businesses. CHEERS to you in yours!

Add This Content to Your Collection Right Now.

Save countless hours and dollars thanks to our well-researched, expertly written or created PLR content!

This content purchase grants private label rights. Edit, publish as your own, sell or give away. Do not use our name or offer as PLR. This content is personal-rights use only.

You are mere minutes away from accessing this professional quality content download via email!


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You are not longer required to sign up for a basic membership to order a product. If you find an error in any form, please email dina @ wordfeeder . com. no spaces. Thank you.