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Wordfeeder Business PLR Membership | 2022 PLR Article Releases and Titles


"Make Money as a Writer Online" PLR Articles - 7K+ words

Titles include:

  1. Make Money as a Blogger
  2. Make Money as an eBook Writer
  3. Make Money Writing Academic Articles
  4. Make Money as a Copywriter 
  5. Make Money as a Video Script Writer
  6. Make Money as a Spinner
  7. Make Money as Ghostwriter
  8. Make Money as a Poet
  9. Make Money as an Email Writer
  10. Make Money as a Technical Writer 


Make Money in Your Online Business Despite a Shaky Economy PART 1 - 19 Articles Total or 7700 words with private label rights

Titles Include:

  1. Intro
  2. If Your Online Business Income Drops, Should You Take a Side Job?
  3. The Concept of Working More for Fewer Dollars. What to Do?
  4. Ways to Thrive in Online Business During an Economic Downturn
  5. Leaning on Your List: It's Time to Open the Flow of Your Money
  6. How to Turn Your Hourly Services into a Paid Teaching or Coaching Product (and Why It's So Critical in Lean Times)
  7. It All Begins with a Brainstorm: Think Like Your Customers
  8. Step by Step E-Guide Creation: The Short Version
  9. Basic Elements of Your Paid Teaching or Coaching Guide
  10. How to Make a Lead Magnet by Condensing Your Paid Product into a Brief Handout
  11. Recap: Repackaging Your Services as a Product
  12. Setting Up Your Lead Magnet: Step by Step List Building
  13. Turning Your Company Guide into a PDF File for Download
  14. Courting Your Email Subscribers in Preparation of a Long-Term Relationship
  15. Ready to Launch Your Themed Digital Product that Helps People Solve Problems? Let's Go.
  16. What Other Programs or Products Can You Create to Fill the Levels Your Product Suite?
  17. How Can a Business Owner Become a Giver to Stand Out in Difficult Financial Times?
  18. How to Pick a Charity to Donate to as a Business
  19. Make it a Giving Year for Your Business, Despite the Economy

Content Sample Screen Shot of the Writing:

Prefer to order Make Money in Your Online Business Despite a Shaky Economy PLR ala Carte? Visit the Product Page Here


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Social Media Strategy: Smart Practices to Ensure Your Business Success – 15 Articles or 8300 words total

Titles include:

  1. Social Media Business Strategy: Start with a Plan Before You Begin
  2. Create Your Social Media Company Creed
  3. Should You Comment on Facebook as Your Personal Profile, or Your Business Profile?
  4. Settle on a Content Posting Theme for Your Social Media Business Profiles
  5. Can You Be a Social Media Minimalist and Still Get Business Love Online?
  6. Strengthen Your Social Media Presence with These Practices
  7. How to Set Up Your Social Media Posts for High Engagement and the Biggest Response
  8. "Most Important Info First" Applies to Social Media Graphics, Too
  9. Quality, Not Quantity When Posting Business Related Content on Social Media
  10. Deciding How Often to be Available on Social Media (Could be the Key to Your Brand Influence)
  11. Best Practices for Running Your Social Media Group with a Clear Purpose in Mind
  12. How to Run a Deals Group Successfully from Facebook
  13. Guarding Against Social Media Trolls, Hackers, Spammers and Fake Profiles
  14. Budget Your Time AND Money Toward Social Media Presence for Your Business
  15. What to Do if Running Your Facebook Group has Become Overwhelming

Content Sample Screen Shot of the Writing:

Overview of All Included Articles:

Prefer to order Social Media Strategy PLR ala Carte? Visit the Product Page Here


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Marketing to Women in the Digital Age - 9100+ words total (That's an extra 2K words FREE)

Article titles include:

  1. The Vast Purchasing Power of Female Consumers
  2. Spending Psychology of Women: Tap In.
  3. How to Reach the Global Market of Women? Remember that She's Doing it All and Needs Your Support
  4. What Should You Change to Win the Approval of the Global Market of Female Consumers?
  5. How Women and Men Communicate Differently on Social Media
  6. Meeting the Needs of 80% of Your Market: Women
  7. How to Gain the Loyalty of Your Female Customers
  8. Separating the Female Buyer Demographic By Economic Status
  9. Challenges of Women Business Owners as Your Target Market
  10. How is Marketing to Women Different than Marketing to Men?
  11. MLM as a Viable Income Stream for Women
  12. Social Concerns and the Female Consumer Market
  13. Connecting to Female Entrepreneurs as a Consumer Market
  14. Win the Hearts of Your Female Buyers: Become Socially Supportive of Women's Causes 

Screen shot sample:

Overview of All the Pages


Visit the full "Marketing to Women" sales page, and order ala carte if you prefer.


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Online Biz-Builders’ Extreme Selling 12-Day Challenge: Jump-Start Your Digital Product Sales - PLR Content - 7300 words total

This content comes with private label rights to sell or share as your own. Rules for use: please remove our brand from the content and replace with your own. Please do not resell these articles as PLR. Thank you kindly!

What's included:

Intro to the Challenge

Day 1 When the Novelty Wars Off Too Soon

Day 2 Eye on the Selling Goal

Day 3 Embrace the Selling Mindset Even If You Hate Selling. How to Believe in What You Sell So You Keep Selling More

Day 4 Digital Products Basics What Types of Digital Products Can You Sell?

Day 5 In and Out of Love with Your Digital Product

Day 6 Shy About Selling

Day 7 Doing the Work Beyond the Basics of Creating, Setting Up and Launching a Digital Product

Day 8 Setting it Up to Knock it Out of the Park… Sales-Wise.

Day 9 Hyping with Enthusiasm: How, When BONUS Worksheet: Questions to Help You Squeeze More Sales From a Single Product

Day 10 Funnels, Upsells, Downsells, Bundles and Bump Offers: the Keys to Squeezing More Profit from One Product Launch

Day 11: The Final Countdown to Launch Day

DAY 12: BONUS LESSON in Bundling

BONUS Sales Page Copy Starter Content is Also Included as a Gift.

Sample of the Content:

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This content is now LIVE in your member area. Download immediately.

PRODUCT PAGE COPY IS HERE if you prefer to order ala carte.


Let's Overhaul Your Website and Brand for More Leads, Customers and Revenue - 15 PLR Articles or 6900 words

This content comes with private label rights to sell or share as your own. Rules for use: please remove our brand from the content and replace with your own. Please do not resell these articles as PLR. Thank you kindly!

Titles include:

  1. Intro
  2. Don't Give Up on Your Website Just Yet. Here's Why.
  3. Is It Time to Overhaul Your Web Business? Questions to Ask.
  4. See if You Can Automate Your Business Using Tech-Based Solutions
  5. Let's Go Deeper with Your Potential for More Income Streams
  6. The Importance of Marketing Funnels as an Income Generator for Your Online Business
  7. Want to Get People to Regard You as an Expert? Create a Lead Magnet and Grow Your List.
  8. Your Branding Overhaul 9. Your SEO Overhaul: Keywords are Key.
  9. Your Web Marketing Overhaul
  10. Lead Capture is Priority One of Your Web Marketing Revamp.
  11. A Quick Checklist for Your Lead-Capture and List-Building Initiative
  12. Your Website or Blog Revamp, Let's Do This!
  13. Social Media Overhaul: Your Plan of Attack
  14. Digging into the Complexities of Your Marketing Funnels.
  15. Overwhelmed? Just Try One Marketing Funnel to Start.


Sample of the Content:

Here's a print preview of what the files look like...


PRODUCT PAGE COPY IS HERE: Let's Overhaul Your Website and Brand for More Leads, Customers and Revenue - 15 Articles or 6900 words total with private label rights | Wordfeeder Business PLR


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Time-Saving Tech Tips for Your Online Business - 14 PLR Articles or 8K words

Titles include:

  1. Intro
  2. One Massive, Time-Saving Action to Take as You Start Your Business: Prepare to Build Your list
  3. Another Huge Time-Saver: Take Precautions to Avoid Being Blacklisted as a Spammer
  4. How to Collect Email Addresses and Build Your List in Less Time
  5. Save Yourself Major Time and Headaches by Adding a Subscriber Form to Your Website
  6. Take a Time-Saving Content Shortcut for Your Online Business: Get a Blog!
  7. Get Ready for a Time-Saving Task: Blogging from Anywhere
  8. Save Yourself Time by Tacking the Basic, Structural Elements of Your Blog First.
  9. Not Fumbling With Your Blog's Sign-Up Form Code Will Save You Lots of Time. So Learn How Now.
  10. Up-Front Time Savers for Your Social Media Setup
  11. Time-Saving Tips for Publishing Content on the Web
  12. How to Save Tons of Time in Your Online Business by "Spinning and Versioning Niches"
  13. Save More Time. Set Up Your Online Programs in Advance.
  14. Save Time in Your Online Newsletter Publishing Schedule


Prefer to order "Time-Saving Tech Tips" PLR articles ala carte? Do that from the sales page here.



Workaholic PLR: Help for Entrepreneurs Who Can't Stop Working - 15 Articles or 7500+ words with Private Label Rights

Titles include:

  1. Characteristics of Serial Entrepreneurs Include…
  2. Is Being a Workaholic Entrepreneur a Bad Thing or a Good Thing?
  3. How Can a Serial Entrepreneur Work Less but Make More Money?
  4. Why Curb Your Workaholic Tendency?
  5. Ways to Make Your Workaholism Work For You
  6. Real-World Strategies for the Workaholic to Achieve Work-Life Balance While
  7. Sustaining Real Success
  8. Signs that Scream Out to the Serial Entrepreneur that Change is Needed NOW
  9. How to Adjust Your Workaholic Mindset to Ensure Small Business Success
  10. Good Practices for Business Owners Who Work Too Much
  11. How To Build Living Well into Your Life as a Workaholic, Serial Entrepreneur
  12. Workaholic Business Owners and Trying to Fit In with the Rest of Society
  13. How Can a Serial Entrepreneur Find Like-Minded Friends?
  14. Ways for a Serial Entrepreneur to Achieve Work-Life Balance
  15. What to Strive for In Your Personal Commitments as a Workaholic Business Owner

Screen Shot of the Content:


Order the "Workaholic PLR" Help for Entrepreneurs Who Can't Stop Working" ala carte if you prefer - learn more here.



Make the Big Bank Selling Digital Products: Starter Guide PLR - 16 Articles or 7800+ words

Titles include:
1. Intro
2. Why Are Digital Products Likely to Sell?
3. Selecting a Niche for Your Digital Product
4. Digital Product Creation Preliminaries
5. Digging into Keyword Research for Your Digital Product Creation
7. What Does it Take to Make Piles of Money Selling Digital Products?
8. To Sell More Digital Products, Proactively Build Your Audience
9. When it Comes to Digital Product Sales, Does the Size of Your List Matter?
10. Decide on a Format for Your Digital Product
11. Basics of Website Creation to Sell Your Digital Products
12. What Selling Platform Should You Select to Launch Your Digital Product From?
13. Let's Break Down the Creation of the Digital Product
14. Promoting Your Digital Product
15. Expanding Your Library of Digital Products
16. How to Develop Income Streams from Your Digital Product Creation


Screen Shot of the Content:

You can also order "Make the Big Bank Selling Digital Products" PLR ala carte if you prefer! Learn more here.


Success Secrets Swiped from the Best in Online Business – 15 Articles or 7700+ words

This content pack includes the following articles:

  1. The Short Story on How to Win Respect in Today's Crowded Online Business Market 
  2. Must-Know Money Moves in Online Business 
  3. Write Stronger Copy: Tips and Tricks 
  4. Online Business Truths to Keep in Mind as You Grow Your Brand and Reputation
  5. Email Marketing Musts 
  6. The Truth About Online Selling 
  7. Marketing Online With Video Content: Should You? 
  8. Tech Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Online Business 
  9. Magical Money Musts for Online Business Owners 
  10. Get Excited and Get Motivated. The Sky’s the Limit When You’re in Business for Yourself! 
  11. Control the Tech Instead of the Tech Controlling You. 
  12. Do You Work in Online Business? Let Go of the Need to Do It All Yourself 
  13. Hard Truths About Being in Online Business 
  14. Is it Time to Freshen Up Your Marketing Again? 
  15. Understanding the Value of Business Associates Who Are Not Customers, But Still Connect You to the Money. 

Prefer to order "Success Secrets Swiped from the Best in Online Business"? Do that here.


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"Turn Content Sharing into Cash" PLR - 17 Articles or 9K words total (bonus gift of 2K extra words FREE)

This content will make a perfect ebook, autoresponder course or other type of digital product for you to SELL to your lis!

Titles include:

  1. How to Turn Content Sharing into Cash
  2. Find Your Niche and Start Sharing.
  3. How Will People Find Your Content Online?
  4. How Do You Come Up with Really Good Web Content for Your Niche Blog?
  5. How Does a Reader Q&A Work to Get You Customers and Sales?
  6. 6 Quick Tips for Writing Blog Content that Catches and Holds Attention
  7. What are the Main Ways to Get Paid as a Content Sharer Online?
  8. How Do Online Affiliates Earn Money?
  9. What are Digital Products, and How Do You Create Profits By Selling Them?
  10. Creating a Digital Product from Scratch
  11. A Quick Overview of How to Set Up Your Digital Product
  12. How Does a Niche Marketer Set Up a Digital Product to Sell?
  13. What's a Blog and Should You Have One as a Niche Marketer?\
  14. How is a Blog Different from a Website?
  15. What Should the Main Navigation Pages of Your Niche Blog Be?
  16. When to Use Pages Versus Posts on Your Blog
  17. Why Do Some People Call it Their Web Page Instead of Website?

Screen shot of the content:

Sign up for your Business PLR Monthly Membership and download all our back released article packs from 2021 right now. CRAZY good content deal!

Order "Turn Content Sharing into Cash" PLR as an ala carte PLR product instead. Go here for that.


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"Make Money Selling PLR" PLR Articles. Done-for-You Content, including 15 Articles Total or 7K+ words

This content comes with private label rights to sell or share as your own. Rules for use: please remove our brand from the content and replace with your own. Please do not resell these articles as PLR. Thank you kindly! Articles include:

    1. Intro to PLR or Done-for-You Content Selling
2. Can You Make a Full-Time Living Selling PLR?
3. What's the Best Business Model for Selling PLR?
4. What's the Best Type of PLR Product to Get Started with if You're New to Digital Product Selling
5. What's a Good Way to Break into PLR Selling?
6. How to Start List-Building to Sell More PLR and Digital Products
7. How Do You Make Sure People Sign Up for Your List?
8. PLR Membership FAQ
9. What Will Your PLR Customers Use the Content For?
10. So What Can PLR Be Used to Create, and What is the Purpose?
11. What Else is PLR or Done-for-You Content Used For?  Marketing and Web Publishing, of Course.
12. What Types of Articles Can a Writer Create and Sell as PLR?
13. What About Image-Based Digital Products?
14. Selling Printables and Print-on-Demand Products as PLR
15. Jump Start Your PLR Website Launch: A Quick Punch List of Tasks to Check Off.

Sample of the Content:


Also comes with FREE Images as a Bonus Gift! 30 Total JPG files - small size (approx. 600px across)

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