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NEW! Neurodiverse Content ClubNeurdiverse Content Club | PLR Membership

Purpose: Go beyond Neurodiverse Awareness and into the How and Why of Helping Neurodiverse Kids and Adults Build Skills, Develop, Thrive and Be Happy

Who is this PLR membership for?

Educators, therapy professionals and publishers focused on supporting the neurodiverse community with positive, purposeful content

What's included?

One neurodiverse article or other content substitute (infographic, set of shareable images, etc.) per month

What can you do with the content we supply?

Neurdiverse Content Club Writing Sample Screen Shot

Neurdiverse Content Club Writing Sample

What's your call to action to include with the shared content?

You want to include a simple call to action at the bottom of your published article. "Sign up for our list" or "Download our free guide" (whatever you may be giving away). Paste the link to your signup page, or paste in your sign-up form code.

Content license includes private label rights. Edit, add to, change and share this under your own brand.

Download now for immediate use:

  1. Teach Bike Riding to Your Neurodiverse Child PLR Content - 1500 words LIVE

  2. "Have a Happy, Neurodiverse Halloween" PLR - 2000 words of BLOG POST content LIVE

  3. "How to Turn Holiday and Seasonal Activities into Meaningful Developmental Progress for Neurodiverse Kids" - PLR Content - 2300 words total LIVE

  4. Neurodiversity and Gut Health - 1500 words total LIVE

  5. "Spring Activities to Try with Neurodiverse Kids" LIVE

You get private label rights to edit, change and publish this content as your own, including offering as a paid digital product with personal use rights. This content would work great as blog posts, a digital download to get more signups to your list, or as part of a bigger e-guide you may be creating.

Sample of the content:

Ready to order and share this content with your people?

Buy now opens to a new window so you won't lose this one.

Prefer a Try Before You Buy first?

Download your free neurodiverse PLR article now:

Sign up form opens to a new window so you won't lose this one.



You are not longer required to sign up for a basic membership to order a product. If you find an error in any form, please email dina @ wordfeeder . com. no spaces. Thank you.