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Wordfeeder Weight Loss, Health Coaching PLR Membership 2022 Article Releases and Titles

Water Drinking for Weight Loss. When Relationships or Mental Health Issues Sabotage Weight Loss. PLR Articles - 7600 words total

Titles include: 

  1. The Importance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss and Optimal Health    
  2. What Does Sufficient Hydration Have to Do with Weight Loss?
  3. Easy Ways to Get Your Daily Water Intake for Weight Loss and Good Health
  4. How to Keep a Portable Water Bottle Clean and Free of Germs
  5. Less Obvious Signs You May Need to Increase Your Daily Water Intake
  6. Creative Ways to Get Your Daily Water Intake (and Why Sports Drinks Don't Cut It as Healthy Hydration)
  7. How to Flavor to Your Water Drinks Without Adding Sugar and Empty Calories
  8. Herbal Teas for Weight Loss and Good Health
  9. How Being in a Relationship Can Sabotage Weight Loss Goals
  10. How to Approach Food-Related Conflicts When You're Trying to Eat Healthy but Your Partner Isn't Having It
  11. How to Make Weight Loss and Fitness a Priority in Your Relationship
  12. How to Do Weight Loss When You're Dating
  13. How to Stay Focused on Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Goals While Facing Mental Health Struggles

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Make Money and Help People by Sharing Your Weight Loss Journey PLR Articles – 7200+ words

Titles include: 

  1. Intro
  2. Traits of a Wellness Influencer: Do You Have What It Takes?
  3. Are You Weight Loss Influencer Material? Questions to Ask Before Going Public as a Fitness Motivator
  4. Should You Become a Weight Loss Influencer?
  5. How Hard is it to Become a Weight Loss Influencer?
  6. What Types of Challenges Can You Help People Solve as a Weight Loss Influencer Online?
  7. What to Know About Becoming a Weight Loss Influencer
  8. Great Reasons to Become a Weight Loss Influencer
  9. How Much Should You Reveal as a Weight Loss Influencer on Your Own Path to Better Health?
  10. How to Make Money as a Weight Loss Influencer
  11. How to Create and Sell a Health and Wellness Information Product
  12. Making Money by Running a Weight Loss Blog
  13. 10 Real-Life Health and Fitness Ideas to Share with Your Social Media Followers and on Your Blog
  14. Making Money as a Weight Loss Coach
  15. Advantages to Becoming a Certified Health Coach

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Prefer to order ala carte? Visit the Make Money and Help People by Sharing Your Weight Loss Journey PLR Articles product page here.

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Health and Fitness for Busy People - PLR Content 13 articles or 7156 words total

Titles include:

  1. Intro: Your Journey to Weight Loss and Improved Health
  2. Finding Time for Health and Fitness
  3. Need to Schedule in Healthy Habits? Use Your Smart Phone to Stay Accountable
  4. How to be Healthy and Fit With Minimal Effort
  5. Get and Stay Motivated for Health, Fitness and Weight Loss
  6. Five Inspiring Reasons to Prioritize Your Health
  7. The Link Between Sleep, Weight Loss and Your Health
  8. What to Eat When You're Trying to Lose Weight but Feeling Like You're Starving
  9. Essential Practices to Help You Eat Healthy Every Day
  10. You're Never too Busy for Exercise
  11. How to Sneak in a Workout at Your Desk
  12. Healthy Weight Loss Starts with a Mind Shift
  13. Breaking Free from Unhealthy Habits so You Can Lose Weight 

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Overview of All the Content You Get:

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Prefer to order ala carte? Visit the Health and Fitness for Busy People product page here.


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"Simple, Fresh, Healthy Weight-Loss Friendly Recipes PLR" - 20 Written Recipes + 20 Matching Images PLR + Canva Template

Be one of the first to download this recipe package! Comes with 20 written recipes in a Word doc + 20 Images of the recipes + Editable Canva template

What you get:

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Check the sales page for more details on our "Simple Healthy Meals for Weight Loss" PLR Pack. You can order ala carte from there if you prefer.

Fit in Your 40s and 50s: Women's Edition 16 PLR Articles or 8600 words

Content comes with private label rights to sell or share as your own. Make into an ebook, course, email series, blog posts, video course or anything else you can think of!
Rules: Please do not include our name on the content. Do not resell as PLR. Full licensing terms can be found here.

Your article titles include:

1. Intro
2. Is it Possible for an Overweight Person to Lose Weight in Their 40s and 50s?
3. Fat Redistribution Can be a Problem for Middle-Aged Women
4. Hotter in Your Forties and Fifties? Yes, It's Quite Possible.
5. Fitness for Women Over Forty: Do it For Your Health
6. Steer Clear of Perfectionism When Trying to Lose Weight
7. Should a Middle-Aged Woman Go Low-Carb to Lose Weight?
8. Steps to Take if You'd Like to Try Low-Carb as a Middle-Aged Woman
9. Good Fats for Forty-Somethings: Eating Fat to Lose Weight at Middle Age
10. Perimenopause, Menopause, Weight Loss, and Hormone-Rich Foods
11. For Women in Your 40s and 50s: Signs that Your Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Plan is Working for You
12. How to Improve Your Digestion Naturally, for a Slimmer Middle at Middle Age
13. What's a Safe Amount for a Middle Aged Woman to Run for Exercise?
14. Best Forms of Exercise for Women in their 40s and 50s
15. Exercise and Bone Health at Middle Age
16. A Good Night's Sleep can Help You Lose Weight if You're a Woman in Your 40s or 50s

Screen Shot Writing Sample

Here's an overview of the pages

Sales page is here if you prefer to order ala carte.

July Weight Loss PLR Mixed Bag - 6800 words total

Mindful Hunger, Sugar & Your Health, Body Shaming, Healthy Mindset, More 

Content comes with private label rights to sell or share as your own. Make into an ebook, course, email series, blog posts, video course or anything else you can think of! Titles are...

  1. One Key to Healthy Weight Loss: Becoming Mindful of Your Body's Signals
  2. Become Mindful of What Your Body Needs: Hunger, Activity, Rest, Stress Relief
  3. Simple, Useful Tips on How to Eat Less – Real Answers from Real Women Who Have Been There and Done That
  4. Simple, Useful Tips on How to Eat Less – Real Answers from Real Women Who Have Been There and Done That
  5. Health Dangers of Sugar, and How to Consume Less to Lose Weight
  6. Signs of High Blood Sugar in an Otherwise Healthy Person
  7. Weight Loss and Good Health is All About a Mindset Shift
  8. Good Physical and Mental Health All Tie in Together with Weight Loss
  9. Body-Shaming Self-Talk that's Got to Go. Make Room for a Fit, Healthy and Happy YOU!
  10. Habits that Cause Us to Eat More Than We Need, and Then Gain Weight
  11. Weight Loss Saboteur: False, Negative Perception of Your Own Body Image
  12. Calorie Deficit vs. Healthy Eating: The Difference Shows Up in How We Look
  13. Healthy Eating to Lose Weight: A Quick Profile on Kale
  14. 2 Simple Exercises to Do At Home for Weight Loss

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Here's an overview of the pages - 21 total

Sales page is here if you prefer to order ala carte.

Postpartum Weight Loss PLR: How to Lose the Baby Weight After Pregnancy – 16 Articles or 6,900 words total

Titles include:

  1. Intro
  2. Get Ready to Say Goodbye to Pregnancy Weight Gain
  3. Feeling Different… Whose Body is This? Post-Pregnancy Body Blues
  4. Some Simple Keys to Postpartum Weight Loss Success
  5. Dealing with Postpartum Emotions and Craving Comfort Food
  6. Why Does it Take So Long to Lose Weight After Pregnancy?
  7. Emotional Support from Moms Who Feel Self Conscious About their Post-Pregnancy Body
  8. Why Does it Take So Long to Lose Weight After Pregnancy?
  9. Your Postpartum Weight Loss Game Plan
  10. Postpartum Exercise Ideas to Help You Lose the Baby Weight
  11. Weight Loss After Pregnancy for Breastfeeding Moms: What to Eat?
  12. What Should You Eat After Having a Baby if You Want to Lose Weight?
  13. More Healthy Eating Tips for Postpartum Moms Trying to Lose he Baby Weight
  14. Common Questions About Losing Weight After Pregnancy
  15. Tips to Help You Stay Motivated for Postpartum Weight Loss Goals
  16. Healthy Recipe Makeover Ideas for Busy but Tired Postpartum Moms Looking to Lose Weight 

Screen shot sample of the content:

Prefer to order ala carte? Explore the Postpartum Weight Loss PLR sales page here.

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"Ultimate Weight Loss Q&A," 7500+ words

Content pack includes 7500+ words in Q&A format. Questions are as follows:

Q: How much weight is a healthy amount to lose per week?
Q: What is the most straightforward and basic approach to safe and gradual weight loss, going by the one to two pounds per week guideline?
Q: What is a calorie?
Q: I have an event coming up in a few weeks that I would like to drop a few pounds for. What is the safest way to do this?
Q: I was losing weight at a rate of one to two pounds per week but now it seems I've hit a plateau. Even though I am not cheating on my diet and have continued with exercise it seems like my weight loss has slowed. Any tips?
Q: What is the metabolic cause of the weight loss plateau?
Q: What can you do to move past a weight loss plateau phase?
Q: I'm trying to lose weight but I'm starving and can barely function on this little amount of food. What should I do?
Q: I want to lose weight but I'm overwhelmed and don't know where to start. What should I do?
Q: I'm confused by all these different trending diets. Low carb? Plant-based? Mediterranean diet? Pescatarian? Which one should I choose, and is one better than the other or does it matter?
Q: What about low carb for weight loss?
Q: I'm on a weight loss and healthy nutrition plan, but instead of the scale numbers decreasing, it looks like they're increasing. What is going on?

Q: I'm confused about fruit and weight loss. Am I allowed to eat fruit if I'm on a diet or healthy eating plan? Are there fruits I should avoid?
Q: Can I drink fruit juice if I'm trying to lose weight?
Q: I've lost some weight but I feel like I'm having the worst trouble slimming down my waist. What can I do?
Q: How do I survive family vacations when I'm trying to lose weight?
Q: How do I go from diet to permanent lifestyle change?
Q: It's hard to stay motivated with my weight loss goals. What should I do?
Q: What should I do if I cheat on my diet?
Q: What if you went off the rails with the wrong food choices, and there's more where that came from?
Q: Do I have to deprive myself of my favorite foods if I want to eat healthy and lose weight?

Screen shot sample of the content:

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Think you'd like to order Ultimate Weight Loss Q&A PLR content ala carte? Exlore the sales page here.


Food Hangups PLR: "Ditch Your Food Hangups and Lose the Weight For Good" - 13 Articles with Private Label Rights or 8,000+ words total

Titles include:
1. Does Your Family Make It Harder for You to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight?
2. Break the Cycle of Your Family's Food Hangups: Lose Weight and Get Healthy
3. What's Up with Food Psychology and Your Weight?
4. What's Your Self Talk Telling You About Food and Eating Today?
5. How to Deal with Peer Pressure When You're Trying to Lose Weight
6. Food Hangups… and Why Diets Don't Work
7. Common Food Hangups and How They Halt Our Weight Loss Progress
8. How to Stop Letting Our Food Hangups Win: Common Scenarios
9. Overcoming a Common Family Food Hangup: Comparing and Commenting on People's Eating Habits
10. If Your Parents Nagged You About Food, This Could be Why You Have Trouble Losing Weight
11. Undoing the Damage of Family Food Hangups So We Can Eat to Lose Weight and Be Healthy
12. How to Stop Making Food the Focal Point, So You Can Lose Weight and Be Healthier
13. Habits to Break So We Can Let Go of Our Family's Food Hangups

Or, learn more about the content and order ala carte, here.

Prefer to order ala carte? Learn more on the Food Hangups Weight Loss PLR page here.

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Yoga for Joint Health PLR Content – 21 Articles or 8672 words total with private label rights

Titles include:

1. Get Moving: Morning Yoga Warmup for Joints
2. Front to Back Yoga Stretches (Cat/Cow, Standing Cat/Cow, Forward Fold) with Advanced Variations for Each
3. Try Rag Doll Pose to Elongate Your Spine
4. Forward Fold from a Sitting Position
5. Cobra Pose for a Back Bend Stretch
6. Side Bend Yoga Poses for a Fluid Spine
7. Yoga to Improve Spine Mobility: Kneeling Side Bend (Gate Pose)
8. Yoga Twist Poses to Improve Spinal Health and Increase Flexibility
9. Dance Your Way to Healthy, Flexible Joints
10. Joint Health and the Importance of Posture and Alignment
11. Joint Alignment for People with Hypermobility Issues or Joint Injury
12. Joint Health: What is Fascia, Again?
13. Joint Health 101: Fun Facts
14. "Pain the Neck" and Other Joint Health Truisms from Life
15. Yoga for Back Pain Relief: Knees-to-Chest, Bridge Pose, Figure-4
16. Inflammation and the Health of Your Joints
17. Yoga Poses for Reducing Inflammation
18. Self-Massage for Optimal Joint Health
19. At-Home Care and Treatment for Arthritis and Other, Common Joint Issues
20. How Being Overweight Affects Your Joints
21. Exercise and Joint Health

Writing Sample Screen Shot

Also comes with Free Images as a Bonus Gift! 49 Total, small JPG files to Make an Ebook, Email Series, Course or Set of Blog Posts

Prefer to order Yoga for Joint Health PLR Articles ala carte? Learn more and sign up here.


Fitness for All Seasons PLR - 10 Articles or 7386 words total

Titles include:

1. Why Exercise Outdoors Year-Round?
2. Tips for Exercising Outdoors Year-Round and in All Weather
3. Make the Most of Your Outdoor Exercise Plan Year-Round
4. Outdoor Exercise in the Fall: Safety Tips
5. Best Tips for Running in the Rain
6. How to Be Safe When You Run in the Snow
7. Getting Motivated to Exercise Outdoors in the Winter
8. Safety Tips for Runners
9. Simple Stretches for Before and After You Run or Exercise
10. Outdoor Exercise for Allergy Sufferers

This content can be edited and brand as your own, to sell ebooks, make blog posts, offer coaching packages and more!

Screenshot of the Content:

If you prefer to order your PLR articles ala carte, check out the Fitness for All Seasons PLR sales page here.


Weight Loss and Organ Health PLR - 13 Articles or 8400+ words total

Weight loss content with PLR or private label rights. Make into blog posts, newsletters, add to your member area, sell as an ebook, include in a bigger course, and more.

Titles include:
1. Intro to Weight Loss and Organ Health
2. Organs: The Giver of Life and Good Health
3. Exercise Your Way to a Healthy Cardio-Vascular System
4. Heart Health is Affected by the Type of Fat You Consume
5. What Types of Foods are Best for Your Heart?
6. Protein Feeds the Muscles, Helps You Stay on Track with Weight Loss
7. Don't Overlook Good Mental Health as Protection for Your Heart and Organs
8. Worst and Best Foods for Heart Health
9. Too Much Salt Takes its Toll on the Kidneys. How Much of Your Weight Gain is Actually Water?
10. Avoid These Foods to Lower Your Salt Intake
11. Uncover the Hidden Sugar in Everyday Foods, Give Your Pancreas and Heart a Break
12. Stop Punishing Your Liver. Alcohol Consumption Causes Weight Gain, Wreaks Havoc on Organ Health
13. Avoiding Toxic People May Help the Health of Your Organs, and Can Get You to a Healthy Weight Quicker

Sample of the Content:

Or, learn more about the content and order ala carte, here.

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