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Done-for-You Empowerment Course for Life Coaches, Success Coaches, Therapists

Believe in Yourself Empowerment Course is Ready for You to Set Up as an Autoresponder Series or Online Course, and Launch as Your Own Digital Product

Believe in Yourself Done for You Empowerment Course

with Private Label Rights to Publish as Your Own

Dear Coach... Do you have plans to launch something amazing and life-changing for your clients and followers in the coming year?

Your readers will be delighted and inspired by this wonderful, inspiring course. Use it to help them get clear on personal development goals, find confidence, and empower themselves to accomplish incredible things in their lifetime.

What Kind of Coach Can Offer This Course?

In case you're not familiar with the term, private label rights or "PLR" is the label we give to unbranded content that's sold as a writing product that you can purchase and make your own.

Other names for this are done-for-you content, brandable content, and ready-to-go content. Turning it into your own content that you can sell or give away and share is easy, saves you tons of time, and will be an all-around investment in success and prosperity for both you AND your clients who learn from this material.

Done-for-You Empowerment Course Content that You Can Edit and Sell or Share

You have the freedom to edit this and make it your own any way you can think of!

The selling market has changed for coaches. Where once upon a time you could cash in on hourly rates from clients who were lining up down the block to work with you, now folks are a little more frugal. But that doesn't mean they won't take you up on an offer for a great course. It's just a different way of doing things.

That why selling pre-packaged courses like this one is the smart way for a coach to stay afloat in a changing economy. And once you do the math, it's a no-brainer!

Just purchase this course for less than you'd pay to have a single article written for you from scratch. Then turn around and sell it to your list. Y'ou'll make back your investment and then move into the profit zone.

Steps to Launch This Course:

To do this, change the order of points listed, add your own stories and ideas... rewrite all of the headlines, and add logos and images that match your brand.

Again, this done-for-you content becomes YOURS to do whatever you like with. You can...

This jumbo-sized, high quality online course includes 17,000+ words total, presented as an MS Word document via email.

Download the course from your member area on Wordfeeder.com.

Table of Contents includes...


What Does It Mean to Believe in Yourself?
Were You Offered the Gift of Healthy Self Esteem?
JOURNAL IT: Assess Your Self Worth
Why is Self Esteem Important to Achieving Your Goals?
The Purpose of This Course

Part 1: Cultivating a Healthy Self Esteem

JOURNAL IT: Self Esteem Reality Check
Empower Yourself! Validation is the Key, But Where Do You Get It?
Examples of Validation
Who Matters in the World of Personal Validation?

Part 2: Getting to Know Myself All Over Again

Part 3: Setting Boundaries: Deal Breakers, What You Will or Will Not Tolerate

Part 4: Find Your Tribe

Part 5: Potent Practices for Living Your Best Life

Part 6: Empower Yourself! Set and Achieve Goals in Every Area of Life

S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting 101


Done for You Empowerment Course PLR - Writing SampleBelieve in Yourself Done for You Empowerment Course Writing Sample

Done for You Empowerment Course PLR - Writing SampleDone for You Empowerment Course PLR - Writing Sample 2

Writing Sample 3 - Empowerment Course, Brandable Content

Writing Sample 3 - Empowerment Course, Brandable Content


22 FREE Images Included

What to do with the images?

Here's a screen shot of the FREE images:

Empowerment Course - Free Images Screen Shot

Don't miss your free member gifts

While you're logged into the Wordfeeder member area, take advantage of the collection of free articles that I offer for you to publish as your own. You'll see them in the top menu under FREE PLR as soon as you log in. And if it's business building resources you're in the market for, we have those for you, too. Just log in and start downloading your free learning material from Wordfeeder!

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