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Essential Oils Aromatherapy PLR - Best Quality Wellness Content

Carrier Oils for Homemade Skincare Recipes - PLR Pack 2

Carrier Oils for Homemade Skincare Recipes PLRHealth and wellness and green living publishers... ready for more carrier oils content to share with your readers and create blog income online?

This one's a mini pack, but it's great if you want to supplement some ebook content that you may be gathering on essential oils with the intention to publish soon.

And now, some fast facts on the essential oils market:

The global essential oils market was valued at USD 18.6 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.4% from 2021 to 2028.

The market is expected to be driven by increasing demand from major end-use industries, such as food and beverage, personal care and cosmetics, and aromatherapy

SOURCE: Grandview Research

This private label rights content pack includes information on 5 Carrier Oils with DIY Skincare Recipes for each. Word count is 1,439.

Total Word Count: 886. Use this content as an addition to "Essential Oils and Carrier Oils Skin Care Content PLR Pack 1." 


Here's a quick profile of who you're trying to reach:

She's female - could be a 20s hipster, 30s and 40s natural mama, or woman in her 40s, 50s and 60s living the organic and natural lifestyle

Offered with Private Label Rights

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