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Done-for-You Wellness Newsletters! 6-Month Subscription. One Brand-New Canva Template with All Content Inputted, Per Month

done-for-you wellness newsletters

Wordfeeder has a brand new, done-for-you content subscription that you're bound to find useful.

Done-for-You Health and Wellness Newsletters Will Save You Hours Each Month While Helping You Connect with Customers and Create Passive Income.

Here's what you'll receive with our done-for-you wellness newsletters:

Ready-to-go content on a topic of interest, such as Immune Boosters for Cold and Flu Season, including...

Sneak peek at the topics:

  1. Cold and Flu Immune Boosters RELEASED
  2. Sleep Wellness RELEASED
  3. Everything Essential Oils: Natural Cleaning, Aromatherapy and Skincare Recipes RELEASED
  4. Start Your Yoga Practice RELEASED
  5. Look and Feel Better Naturally RELEASED
  6. Naturally Improve the Health of Your Skin RELEASED

Screen Shots of Newsletter 1: on Immune Boosting Tips

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template 1 cold and flu

Newsletter 2: Sleep Wellness Issue, Screen Shot of Content in Production:

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template 2 sleep wellness

Issue 3 - Essential Oils Cleaning, Skincare and Aromatherapy

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template 3 essential oils

Issue 4: Yoga for Beginners

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template 4 yoga for beginners


Issue 5: Look and Feel Better Naturally

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template 5 look and feel better naturally

Issue 6: Naturally Improve the Health of Your Skin

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template 6 health of your skin

Here's a sample of one of the articles (this is included in Issue 5)

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template article sample 1 food is fuel

Here's a content sample from issue 6:

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template article sample 2 homemade skincare

Each newsletter will contain links to Amazon products and images - add your aff ID to create passive income!

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template amazon product suggestions

There's even space in the back for you to add your own bio and coaching program details:

done-for-you wellness newsletters Canva template customize the back

What can you do with this content?

Order as a 6-month subscription, and save!

These are regularly priced at $84 per newsletter.

Get them delivered one brand-new Canva template per month, for 6 months, at just 11.97 per month!


Great value on done-for-you content with our convenient 6-month subscription.

Order now and save!

buy now

Opens up to a new window where you can learn more and order.

Your newsletter links will arrive by email immediately. Log into your Wordfeeder member area to access your templates any time, from the top menu. It's under "Canva templates."

Thanks for supporting my freelance business! Cheers to you in yours. :)


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