"Everyone Can Do Yoga" 30-Day Course with Private Label Rights
This jumbo-sized, high quality online course includes 23,431 words total. 82 pages in an MS Word document. Here's what's inside:
DAY 1:
Intro to the Course
Learn Yoga: Cat and Cow Poses
DAY 2:
Article: Yoga Myths and Misconceptions
Learn Yoga: Seated Forward Fold
DAY 3:
Article: What Can Yoga Do for You?
Learn Yoga: Bridge Pose
DAY 4:
Article: How to Do Yoga Breathing
Learn Yoga: Tree Pose
DAY 5:
Article: Yoga Basics for Beginners - Poses: Mountain, Downward-Facing Dog, Plank, Lotus Pose, Cobra, Child's Pose
DAY 6:
Article: Yoga for Stress Relief
Learn Yoga: Legs-Up-the-Wall
DAY 7:
Article: Yoga for Weight Loss
Learn Yoga: One-Legged Downward Facing Dog
DAY 8:
Article: Yoga for Hormone Balance
Learn Yoga: Locust Pose
DAY 9:
Article: Yoga for Strength
Learn Yoga: Shoulder Stand
DAY 10:
Article: Yoga and Your Blood Pressure
Learn Yoga: Seated Twist
DAY 11:
Article: Yoga for Insomnia
Learn Yoga: Pigeon Pose
DAY 12:
Article: Why Yoga is Better Than the Gym for Many People
Learn Yoga: Crescent Pose
DAY 13:
Article: Combining Essential Oils with Yoga for Ultimate Relaxation
Learn Yoga: Plough Pose
BONUS: Essential Oils Amazon Products to Link To
DAY 14:
Article: Prayer During Yoga
Learn Yoga: Prayer Pose
DAY 15:
Article: Yoga for Out of Shape or Overweight People
Learn Yoga: Eagle Pose
DAY 16:
Article: Yoga for Muscle Tone: Long and Lean
Learn Yoga: Seated Straddle Pose
DAY 17:
Article: Yoga for Balance
Learn Yoga: Humble Warrior Pose
DAY 18:
Article: Yoga is Ideal for Today's Computer Users
Learn Yoga: Cow Face Pose
DAY 19:
Article: Overcome Your Fear of Yoga: Embark on a Routine Practice to Change Your Life!
Learn Yoga: Bound Angle Pose
DAY 20:
Article: Yoga Can Help You Become More Regular
Learn Yoga: Standing Forward Fold
DAY 21:
Article: Yoga for Organ Health
Learn Yoga: Camel Pose
DAY 22:
Best Yoga Instructional Videos (Product Links Included)
Learn Yoga: Reclining Hero Pose
DAY 23:
Best Yoga Books (Product Links Included)
Learn Yoga: Reverse Triangle Pose
DAY 24:
Yoga Equipment for Your At-Home or In-Studio Practice
Learn Yoga: Star Pose
BONUS: Amazon Yoga Product Links
DAY 25:
Article: Music for Mindful Meditation During Yoga
Learn Yoga: Corpse Pose
BONUS: Soothing Music and Nature Sounds: Amazon CDs/Products to Link To
DAY 26:
Article: Yoga and Hydration
Learn Yoga: Bow Pose
DAY 27:
Article: Essential Oils to Match Your Mood During Yoga
Learn Yoga: Fish Pose
DAY 28:
Article: How Does Yoga Help Increase Your Emotional Intelligence?
Learn Yoga: Upward-Facing Dog Pose
DAY 29:
Article: Unexpected Benefits of a Long-Term Yoga Practice
Learn Yoga: Bridge Pose
DAY 30:
Article: Yoga to Help You Relax and Unwind
Learn Yoga: Happy Baby Pose
- Yoga Poses to Help You Reach Your Health and Fitness Goals
- Disclaimer Content
- 3 Image Packs! First folder contains 15 images. Second folder contains 13 images. Third folder has 6 images.
Writing Sample Screen Shot: Edit this to Reflect the Voice of Your Brand.
3 Packs of Bonus Images Included to Enhance Comprehension of the Material
Image Pack 1:
- Child's Pose
- Crescent Pose
- Lotus Pose
- Meditating
- Mountain Pose in Prayer Position
- Pigeon Pose
- Plank Pose
- Prayer Pose
- Seated Forward Fold
- Seated Twist
- Tree Pose
- Triangle Pose
- Upward Dog Pose
- Warrior 1
- Warrior 2
Here are the YOGA pose IMAGES you get in Image Pack 2:
- Bound Angle
- Child's Pose
- Crescent Pose (better quality than in pack 1)
- Downward Facing Dog
- Downward Facing Dog Modified
- Essential Oil
- One Legged Downward Dog
- Seated Twist
- Standing Forward Fold
- Tailor Pose
- Warrior
- Yoga Class
UPDATE: FREE Yoga Images Pack 3 has been added! This is available in the top menu after you make your yoga course purchase and log in. Look under HEALTH AND WELLNESS. Image files names start with FREE YOGA IMAGES.
Here's an image sample:
Here are the yoga images that you get in pack 3:
- Camel pose
- Eagle pose
- Kneeling lunge
- Seated twist (group)
- Warrior 1
- Mountain pose in a yoga class