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Who Else Offers Great Keto PLR Besides Wordfeeder?

who sells high quality keto plr

Hey, friends! Thought I'd offer a friendly heads-up to anyone planning on running a low-carb and keto dieting series on their websites, who may be in search of really good PLR articles, ebook content, tips and such. Here's a recap of what we have on sale here at Wordfeeder, plus my recommendations to other, trusted PLR providers who also sell keto PLR.

30 Days of Low Carb Lifestyle and Ketogenic Dieting Tips

30 Days of Low Carb Lifestyle and Ketogenic Dieting Tips

If you just grabbed the offer I have going on for the 30 Days of Low Carb Lifestyle and Ketogenic Dieting Tips, I'm psyched for you. This diet is so hot, and since it's still swimsuit season, everyone's interested in keeping it low-carb to help that fat melt off and stay off.

Let's Go Keto! 9 PLR Articles from WordfeederLet's Go Keto! 9 PLR Articles from Wordfeeder

So, if you're down with publishing keto content, then you may as well go all in. For people  who purchased some component(s) of Wordfeeder's Keto PLR, check out the Let's Go Keto! 9 Article pack.

Use coupon code LETSGOKETO to grab some savings on those articles, plus the keto lunch recipes and dinner recipes that you'll see in the checkout area when you click from that page.

Oh, and snag the free breakfast recipes while you're there! If you still have not picked up the 30 Days of Low Carb Lifestyle/Keto Diet Tips content, type in 30DAYSOFKETO to grab the deal on that one. 

Now, some other keto packs from friends, that you may appreciate if you're seriously planning on dominating this niche, getting that ebook and ecourse together, posting blog posts, sharing tips on social media, growing your list with a keto teaser mini ebook giveaway, and all the things you know you need to grab your fair share of this hungry market. 

Bone Broth PLR from Piggy Makes BankBone Broth PLR from Piggy Makes Bank.

Bone broth can be a daily boost of nutrition if you're on the keto diet. People who eat lots of fat and not many carbs will likely need a boost of minerals (calcium, magnesium, others) to replace what's being lost by not eating root vegetables, which grow in the ground.

This beautiful Bone Broth pack from Piggy Makes Bank includes 10 articles and a handy checklist. Plus, you even get 3 social media graphics to help you announce your new content with style and flair. Pick it up now and you've got your next blog series all ready to go. 

Keto Original Recipes PLR Plus Images from Kitchen Bloggers

Keto Original Recipes PLR Plus Images from Kitchen Bloggers

Of course, if you plan to run a keto diet series in your blog and social media as well as mail to your list, you'll want to have as many keto recipes WITH photos as possible. Taking photos is a pain, so don't even bother trying to putt it off yourself unless you're a pro.

I attempted some essential oils shots with my phone the other day. It's time consuming, and the smallest flaw can ruin the whole photo. Not to mention, if your recipes are even slightly off with the carb, fat or protein count, you can't really claim them to be keto-friendly.

Thank goodness Trish from KitchenBloggers has a pack of keto recipes WITH photos that are accurate, and also come with amazing images that she takes herself! Her original, kitchen-tested keto recipes with private label rights include:

Basics of the Ketogenic Diet from Piggy Makes BankBasics of the Ketogenic Diet from Piggy Makes Bank

Includes 10 PLR Articles, 10 Emails, 1 Short Report, and 10 Social Media Posts. Why purchase another set of keto basics articles when you already bought some? Simple, because you'll have more prewritten content to publish ALL the information your readers need no matter which medium they happen to be searching online. So for example, if you've already set up the Wordfeeder set of 30 Low Carb Lifestyle and Keto Dieting tips as an ebook, you can take this next set of keto basics and post the ten of them one at a time on your blog. At the bottom of each blog post, be sure to include the link to your "30 days of keto" sales page so people will click over and feel compelled to buy. Or... reverse it, and make the PMB articles into an ebook, then publish the Wordfeeder articles as the blog enticements. So many options! Now go get this content and start creating. :)

Powerful Impact of Gut Health from Piggy Makes Bank.

If you'd like to go deeper into the nutritional details of the ketogenic diet, here's a great follow-up series for you to publish and share. The hallmark trait of this diet is you're not eating sugar.

This changes the chemistry of your gut flora… essentially, as soon as the first week, the sugar monsters that live in your gut, or candida which is just yeast, basically dies. So if your audience is the kind whose curiosity sparks at the mention of health tips, then this Powerful Impact of Gut Health series could be the next keto-related follow-up on your blog.

Okay, well I think I've offered you plenty of options for getting series about publishing keto content, using prewritten articles to build your sales funnel and attract more buyers, set up lots of Amazon affiliate links, sell info products and memberships, and basically squeeze as much profit out of this niche as possible. 

If you have any special requests for content, feel free to reach out via email after you join our mailing list. :)


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