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Transactional Relationships PLR Articles: "Navigating Friends with Benefits" - 7K words total

transactional relationships articles

Do you share relationship content online? Are you a dating or relationship expert who publishes advice and coaches clients on how to have healthy and fulfilling relationships?

At Wordfeeder, create content with private label rights to provide an affordable content publishing shortcut. If you hate to write, or don't have the time but you know you want to dominate the relationships niche, then this set of PLR articles is for you.

The topic is a popular one that's currently trending - Transactional Relationships. Maybe you've been hearing the term coming up from relationship experts, or read about it recently. The dating and relating world is changing, and people seek new ways to find a hookup or casual dating scenario that meets their needs.

"Friends with Benefits" is nothing new, but in the digital age things are a bit different. It's really important to establish the rules, set boundaries, and leave the doors of communication open if this type of dating and relating style is going to work.

Use these articles to teach your audience of relationship advice-seekers how to navigate Transactional Relationships like FWB (friends with benefits). This series of articles provides all the info they need to know!

Transactional Relationships - Tips and Advice, Content to Edit and Publish as Your Own!

Articles arrive in MS Word/Google doc. Download them from your computer or right from your phone. Copy, paste, edit and publish any way you like! Titles include:

  1. What is a Transactional Relationship and Are You In One?
  2. Identifying Transactional Relationships Defining Boundaries in a Transactional Relationship
  3. Surprising Examples of Transactional Relationships
  4. For Dating Singles: Signs You're in a Transactional Relationship
  5. Transactional Relationships: Neat and Tidy Appeal, But Not Totally Real (and it's Okay to be OK with That)
  6. Transactional is Becoming the Norm in Every Aspect of Our Personal Lives
  7. Transactional and Reciprocal Relationships: Not What You Might Think
  8. Transactional Relationships: Pros and Cons
  9. Friends with Benefits (or FWB): The Most Well Known Transactional Relationship
  10. Transactional has a Bad Rap in the Dating World. Is There Truth to This?
  11. Situations When a Transactional Relationship Could Work for You
  12. Transactional Relationships: Best Practices
  13. Signs You're Getting too Attached in a Transactional Relationship
  14. How to Tell Your Transactional FWB You Have Feelings for Them
  15. Signs It's Time to End a Transactional Relationship
  16. How to Break it off Gently with Your FWB or Transactional Relationship Buddy  

Article Sample: Transactional Relationships, Tips and Advice

transactional relationships articles sample

Transactional Relationships is a TRENDING topic! Be one of the first relationship experts to speak out about friends with benefits and offer your best tips to help readers navigate the tricky world of dating and relating!

Grab your private label rights articles now, and get to publishing ASAP!

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