Validation PLR 2: How to Give and Receive Validation for More Meaningful Emotional Connections - 8,000 words total with private label rights

Validation Articles - PLR Pack 2 - 8000 words
Titles include:
- Intro to Validation
- Validation in the Digital Age, and Why There's a Deficit
- Examples of Validation
- Why is Validation so Important
- What Happens When We Aren't Validated?
- How Does Being Validated Increase Our Sense of Self-Worth?
- How to Know if Someone is Validating You
- Why Do Some People Fail to Validate Those Closest to Them?
- How to Handle People Who Don't Use Validation in Their Relationships
- How Can You Give the Gift of Validation to Others?
- Making Validation Sound Natural and Not Scripted
- Sometimes People Don't Validate Us, and That's Okay
- Setting Intentions to Welcome Validation into Our Life
- Using Technology to Validate the People in Our Lives
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