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Superfoods PLR - 7300 words total | 20 Written Superfood Profiles with 20 Bonus Images

Superfoods PLR Articles

Superfoods makes a great topic to teach to your weight loss and healthy lifestyle readers. Many people have heard of superfoods, but they might not be too certain which foods were mentioned to them, or which benefits are present in which foods.

At Wordfeeder, we research and write professional quality content with private label rights. This weight loss- and health-focused pack of articles focuses on Superfoods - listing the nutritional facts and health benefits of 20 superfoods.

What can you do with this content? Use it to make blog posts, form an ebook in Canva, send out as emails, and much more. You're welcome to edit it and share with your brand name on it, or offer as a paid digital product, such as an ebook, email course, or part of a bigger, multi-module course.

Superfoods PLR - A Total of 7300 words Covering 20 Superfood Profiles and 20 Bonus Images

Listings include:

Superfoods PLR - Writing Sample

Superfoods PLR Sample

Superfoods PLR - Bonus Images - 20 Total Included

Superfoods PLR 20 Images


Offered with Private Label Rights

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