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Introducing "Every Body Can Do Yoga" - Done-for-You Ebook in Canva

This content is a beginner yoga ebook or emailed course. Attract new clients and readership with a beautiful, complete digital product to sell or share.

Wordfeeder is a top provider of private label rights content. We've already done all the hard work of writing, image-gathering, placing content into a Canva template and formatting it all.

If you want to launch a digital product, all you have to do is download, upload, set it up to market and sell... and you're ready to make some passive income in the yoga niche!

This is what your reader will see when they order from you... only it will show YOUR company name, URL and upsells to your services!

Here's what you can do to launch a beautiful yoga course or ebook for beginners in no time flat:

  1. Simply order this PLR Canva template and click the Canva link to log in
  2. Make your customizations
  3. Edit or change the content any way you like
  4. Download as a PDF
  5. Upload the PDF ebook to your server
  6. Launch this in a matter of days instead of months or even years!

Here's what you get with the Every Body Can Do Yoga PLR Ebook Package with Canva Template, MS Word Doc and Yoga Images:

Here's what the Canva Ebook template page spread looks like...

This works out to 125 pages when you download as a PDF ebook!

Here's a screen shot of what you'll see when you log in to edit:

This ebook content serves as a Yoga e-Guide for Beginners. Contents include:

Learn Yoga: Cat and Cow Poses

Yoga Myths and Misconceptions
Learn Yoga: Seated Forward Fold

What Can Yoga Do for You?
Learn Yoga: Bridge Pose

How to Do Yoga Breathing
Learn Yoga: Tree Pose

Yoga Basics for Beginners - Poses: Mountain, Downward-Facing Dog, Plank, Lotus Pose, Cobra, Child's Pose

Yoga for Stress Relief
Learn Yoga: Legs-Up-the-Wall

Yoga for Weight Loss
Learn Yoga: One-Legged Downward Facing Dog

Yoga for Hormone Balance
Learn Yoga: Locust Pose

Yoga for Strength
Learn Yoga: Shoulder Stand

Yoga and Your Blood Pressure
Learn Yoga: Seated Twist

Yoga for Insomnia
Learn Yoga: Pigeon Pose

Why Yoga is Better Than the Gym for Many People
Learn Yoga: Crescent Pose

Combining Essential Oils with Yoga for Ultimate Relaxation
Learn Yoga: Plough Pose

BONUS: Essential Oils Amazon Products to Link To

Prayer During Yoga
Learn Yoga: Prayer Pose

Yoga for Out of Shape or Overweight People
Learn Yoga: Eagle Pose

Yoga for Muscle Tone: Long and Lean
Learn Yoga: Seated Straddle Pose

Yoga for Balance
Learn Yoga: Humble Warrior Pose

Yoga is Ideal for Today's Computer Users
Learn Yoga: Cow Face Pose

Overcome Your Fear of Yoga: Embark on a Routine Practice to Change Your Life!

Learn Yoga: Bound Angle Pose

Yoga Can Help You Become More Regular
Learn Yoga: Standing Forward Fold

Yoga for Organ Health
Learn Yoga: Camel Pose

Best Yoga Instructional Videos (Product Links Included)
Learn Yoga: Reclining Hero Pose

Best Yoga Books (Product Links Included)
Learn Yoga: Reverse Triangle Pose

Yoga Equipment for Your At-Home or In-Studio Practice
Learn Yoga: Star Pose

BONUS: Amazon Yoga Product Links

Music for Mindful Meditation During Yoga
Learn Yoga: Corpse Pose

BONUS: Soothing Music and Nature Sounds: Amazon CDs/Products to Link To

Yoga and Hydration
Learn Yoga: Bow Pose

Essential Oils to Match Your Mood During Yoga
Learn Yoga: Fish Pose

How Does Yoga Help Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
Learn Yoga: Upward-Facing Dog Pose

Unexpected Benefits of a Long-Term Yoga Practice
Learn Yoga: Bridge Pose

Yoga to Help You Relax and Unwind
Learn Yoga: Happy Baby Pose

BONUS CONTENT: Yoga Poses to Help You Reach Your Health and Fitness Goals

Disclaimer Content
BONUS Hi-Res Images - Excellent Quality, Approx 30 Total - FREE With Purchase of This Course

How Much for This Done-for-You Yoga Ebook?

The regular price of this complete content package is $86.

Order the complete Canva ebook package now and use coupon code YOGAINCANVA40 to bring the price to $46 for the whole kit and kaboodle.

You get to customize the front and back pages, intro letter, and add your URL and company name to the cover and footer of each page!

You Automatically get $64 subtracted from the Canva package price if you ALREADY purchased the MS Word version of this!

If you previously ordered the MS Word version of this and now want the Canva version, you get to deduct $64 from the total price of the Canva template package which is $84. This is to make sure you aren't paying twice for something you already ordered!

(Yes, we take care of our PLR customers :)!)

Go get this gorgeous Beginner Yoga Ebook or Course content now!

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This content purchase grants private label rights. Edit, publish as your own, sell or give away. Do not use our name or offer as PLR. This content is personal-rights use only.

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